What Is Truth? / Que Es La Verdad?
John/Juan 18:38
"The Word of God"  "El Verbo/Palabra de Dios":  "The Bible"  "La Biblia"
"But I will show thee that which is noted in the scripture of truth"
​Daniel 10:21


INTRODUCTION: The author’s name is Felix Altamonte. All rights reserved including the right to reproduce this book or parts thereof in any form. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental. There will be occasionally the mention of a real person whether still alive or not, but it will be done only when the story requires it for in this book appears fictional characters and historic figures past and present and non-historic figures as well like every day Joe Botella for example. In other similar words: Reference to real people, events, establishments, organizations are intended only to provide a sense of authenticity, thus these later ones are not just fictitious in many cases, but real. “Christianity vs. God” is a work in progress, in other words: In Real Time. Its completion and publishing time is up to Felix Altamonte, its author. In the meantime everyone is welcome to read and witness the writing of a book, again, in Real Time, a task never attempted before. Past true History at its best plus History in the making as it occurs, not given preferential treatment to any side of the many Aisles throughout the ages, whether religious, royal or political. Equanimity is what is pursued here, a quality always absent everywhere and all of the time past and present, Equanimity that is. Yours: El Batuta the narrator/.

(P. S. All the Bible Verses Chosen by the Author are from the “Versión Reina-Valera 1960 & Authorized King James Version, KJV 1611”, both considered by the author of “CHRISTIANITY vs. GOD” as the most Faithful to the Original Ancient Manuscripts in which God Wrote His Word for the Good of All the People of this Earth. The Bible Verses will be found between parentheses with an asterisk*)

This book, “CHRISTIANITY vs. GOD”, is being published in installments. For the following installments please visit us periodically. The publisher will attempt always to bring the next installments every other month if at all possible, God Willing!

PREFACE: In the small town of Restitution in the south of the Nation, the name of which State the narrator has no desire to call to mind, there lived the man of this story. Things are not what they seem, however having said that, things might appear to be as one wants them to be, which is fine as long as no one is hurt in the process. The World takes care of that, hurting many, or maybe I should say: Those that have taken the responsibility on their shoulders and on their own initiative, for nobody forced them, not even God, to direct the things of this World.

PROLOGUE: Disaster Pending in the Courts of Justice in the Land: As the Judge entered the courtroom everyone stood. The pile of cases he ought to go over was quite high. As he sat looking at it he said to himself: Darn, it keeps on growing every day. After the people present in the courtroom took their seats, he banged the gavel and said: “Let’s begin. First case”, but immediately said, “wait”, as he looked at the thickness of the binder at the bottom of the pile. He asked the bailiff to pull it out and read it to him aloud: “CHRISTIANITY vs. GOD”. “What”?, he exclaimed. “What’s that doing in my courtroom, whatever it is; this is a Family Court”! “I do not know, your honor”. “Well, bring me somebody that knows more than you do, please”, said the judge visibly irritated. Indeed, the file was voluminous for just that one case: “CHRISTIANITY vs. GOD”.

(CHAPTER #5) FIFTH INSTALLMENT (3/1/2021): AMERIKA IS BAAACK!!! And we are too! Yes, ‘a propósito, Christianity vs. God is back too, mind you Triumvirātus? Sleepy Joe’s message to the World: America Is Back!!! Let’s bomb the hell out of Syria and then we’ll ask questions! The Yunaites is a ‘Force for Good’ in the Oriente Medio! Many might wonder if Sleepy Joe kissed his thumb before pressing the button that launched the bombs over Syria. You know amigos, folks and blokes, and if you don’t know I’ll tell you anyway: When Felix Altamonte was a ‘chaval’ back in Seville and ‘se persignaba’, the last part was that he kissed his thumb. I know, I was there, always there; I’m his conscience, known as Batuta. Every culture has its idiosyncrasies, even when it comes to religion, for I don’t know if in other countries they do it as well, the kissing of the thumb that is.
IN ESPANYA, when somebody ‘se hace la señal de la cruz’ [at least as it was back then, I don’t know about now] it consists of ‘cinco movimientos’ of the hand, most of them from the right hand [no pun intended to right-wingers], first on ‘la frente’, second on ‘the chest’, third on ‘the right shoulder’, fourth on ‘el hombro izquierdo’, and last but not least, fifth the ‘kissing of the thumb’ which forms a cross with the index finger. It seems complicated but it is not; try it, you’ll see. It is the Roman way: Thumb Up, Thumb Down!
ONE of the greatest achievements of the “Force for Good” in the ‘Oriente Medio’ was to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel for the first time in its long history, but all told, Israel never had a capital, least of all Jerusalem. Besides, who in this hellish world in the Middle East would see it well, a capital in such a place, unless they are ignorant of what the “God of the Bible” said almost two thousand years ago about Jerusalem: (*Y sus cadavers estarán en la plaza de la gran ciudad que en sentido spiritual se llama Sodoma y Egipto, donde también nuestro Señor fue crucificado/And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sod’om and E’gypt, where also our Lord was crucified).
AT ANY RATE, when we decipher the true meaning of “Impeachment of the President”, any Presidente in the Yunaites, some of these things will be clearer to comprehend, hopefully that is. Just a reminder from Chapter #4 of Christianity vs. God, the book: ONE OF THE MORE DIFFICULT THINGS TO DECIPHER WITHIN THE AMERICAN SYSTEM HAS TO BE IMPEACHMENT BY FAR: The Impeachment of the President of the United States of America, to be concise. An impossibility to be concise, to explain, to be understood, for even the Constitution is not concise, not clear in its understanding, it is dubious at its best. A murky and malodorous proposition like it belongs to a stagnant swamp; in other words, Impeachment is an excellent swimmer in a swamp that looks more like the Constitution as time goes by never reaching the finish line.
AND NOW BACK TO ONE OF THE MORE DIFFICULT THINGS TO DECIPHER WITHIN THE AMERICAN SYSTEM, IMPEACHMENT! A parliamentary dictatorial synopsis of Impeachment; just trying not to be tedious while approaching the long history of the grand distraction, the grand farce, the grand charade, the great firewall: Impeachment in America del Norte. But let us continue with the conspectus of this matter: IMPEACHMENT. Beware: ¡No apto para menores! Sorry but…, not sorry: Sadly and regrettably to say the least, the ‘gran parte’ of the American citizens falls into the ‘susodicha/above-mentioned’ category, unless they have a FAKE-ID. ¡A buen entendedor, pocas palabras basta! (*Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand/Muchos serán limpios, y emblanquecidos y purificados; los impíos procederán impíamente, y ninguno de impíos entenderá, pero los entendidos comprenderán) [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]
WHAT’S IMPEACHMENT OF A PRESIDENT IN AMERICA DEL NORTE? A well designed medieval cannon to shoot only ‘salvas’, converting the cannon called Impeachment into a useless “House of Horrors” Constitutional Procedure. In other words: Political Theatre at its best. But it is more than that: Impeachment of a Presidente en America del Norte is a distraction, a farce, a charade, though lives are at stake, of course not of the accused president and his enablers, but of ye the people ‘que paga siempre por los platos rotos’ even by generations to come.
YOU SEE, ‘Mon Amie’, as Monsieur Hercule Poirot would’ve said, there was a need of a mechanism to prove to ye the people of the Nation and the World that no one is above the law, not even the president of the Yunaites. Remember, sober and wise readers that bizness of… “one nation under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”?
ALL THROUGH THE HISTORY OF AMERIKA LA GRANDE, 245 years, the Cannon [Read: Impeachment] has appeared seldom while buried in the muddy waters of the Constitution. Remember, ‘Mon Amie’, the great Swamp in the nation’s Capital?
THE Framers, sometimes called the Founding Fathers of the Nation, and truly the Framers of the Constitution, having decided, not with the consent of ye the people by the way, to not have a King as the head of the government, thought of something else in that line. Why have a King when there were so many of them out there throughout this ‘Mondo Cane’ already, and those Kings were not even exempt from losing the crown and not only their crown, but… Besides, the Framers needed to preserve the New Regime [The American Experiment], “The White Man’s Republic”, at least for a Thousand Years [Sorry but…, not sorry: I know it sounds just like the vision of the Third Reich. Do you mind if I use one of the wiser lines of Mr. Trump: “It Is What It Is”, amigos, folks and blokes?].
(3/2/2021): THE BEST SOLUTION that the Framers came up with, of course cleverly behind closed doors, was a title that would encompass all the titles ‘habidos y por haber’. In other words that encompassed the titles of King, Tsar, Sultan, Kaiser, etcetera, of course in a gradual form so ye the people and the rest of this Mondo Cane were not suspicious of this ‘maquiavélico’ political’ design to rule over the multitudes in “America First” and Second the World. Little by little, ‘furtivamente’ though, the Presidents were given more and more power through the years by the Keepers [Read: The House of All Horrors of the Yunaites in Washington D.C.] of “The White Man’s Republic”, to reach the point where the President would have “Absolute Power” within and without the borders of our exceptional Nation. The name of this all powerful individual would be “Augustísimo Imperatore di tutto Imperatore”, something like “Caudillo de Caudillos”, thus today Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump. Having said that, well, having written that, it is still lesser than “The Holy Roman Emperors”. One that comes to mind is Carlos I/Charles V [Carlos I de España, el V del Sacro Imperio Romano Germánico, Emperador y César. Circa: 1500-1558].

THE FRAMERS, all white wealthy men and most of them slave owners by the way, were also great ‘enterradores/gravediggers’ and they buried the word Impeachment under the incongruent and incommensurable wording of the Constitution, a parchment full of holes that didn’t hold any water from the get go. Yeah, amigos, folks and blokes, they buried that worthless word, Impeachment, in the muddy words of the Constitution between the confusing phrases and terminologies that would drive nuts any studious English linguist looking for the true meaning of the whole parchment. What, why some might ask, and that will be the simplest of the simple answers in this concrete case: Once one reaches “Absolute Power” he or she won’t suffer for less than that: Absolute Power!

(*Be astonished, O ye heavens, at this, and be horribly afraid, be ye very desolate, saith the LORD. For my people have committed  two evils; they have forsaken me the fountain of living waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water/Espantaos, cielos, sobre esto, y horrorizaos; desolaos en gran manera, dijo Jehová. Porque dos males ha hecho mi pueblo: me dejaron a mí, fuente de agua viva, y cavaron para sí cisternas, cisternas rotas que no retienen agua)

I ALWAYS WONDER AS I WONDER what señor Mosca really meant all these years when he asked if America is a nation without Redemption and if so, why is it so? Now I’m beginning to understand why it is so: Because America is a Nation without Conscience, that’s why.

IS AMERICA A NATION WITHOUT REDEMPTION? [�]: WE CAN RUN, WE CAN HIDE BUT WE WON’T BE ABLE TO ESCAPE: Isaiah/Isaías & Revelation/Apocalipsis 6:16-17: Come il passero vaga, e la rondinella vola, Così la maledizione data senza cagione non avverrà. / Como el gorrión en su vagar, y como la golondrina and su vuelo, Así la maldición nunca vendrá sin causa. / Comme le moineau qui va çà et là, et l'hirondelle qui vole, ainsi la malediction sans cause n'arrivera point. / Wie ein Sperling davon flattert, wie eine Schwalbe wegfliegt, so ist unverdienter Flucher trifft nicht ein. / As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come. Proverbi, Proverbios, Proverbes, Sprueche, Proverbs 26:2/.

SELDOM DOES IMPEACHMENT OF A PRESIDENT in the U.S.A. show its fake head. It’s only comparable to a White Snake Charmer bringing up a toothless Two Headed Snake out of a White Made Handbasket to hypnotize ye the people in the Greatest Show on Earth that claims that no one is above the law, not even the President. It is the greatest charade, yeah amigos, folks and blokes, it is the greatest farce every time in history that it is brought to the surface of the Constitution.

AMAZINGLY [no pun intended Mr. Jeff “Amazed” Sessions] the charade, the farce, the Greatest Show on Earth has worked well for the entire “House of Horrors” so far, though they should not sing victory, not just yet, with the last two Greatest Shows on Earth, the two Impeachment Procedures of Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump, of which, just like previous ones through history, he was found not guilty, pointing out that his High Crimes stayed as Misdemeanors, hardly a procedure to send him to Sainte-Hélène  and spend the rest of his life in there surrounded by water, for it is an island, as on one occasion Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump told the whole nation that a mass of land surrounded by water is an Island: The Curious Case of Puerto Rico. It is clear that the Impeachment of a President in the Yunaites has been always the curious case of “No Conclusion on the Collusion”!!!


THE CURIOUS CASE OF IMPEACHMENT is not just about those presidents that have been Impeached, but of those Presidents that should have been Impeached and never were. Not that it would have made much difference, for even if any of them were found guilty, well, the next President would have pardoned him. In other words, one way or another none of them would ever end up a resident for life in Saint Helen.

JUST FOR HISTORY’s SAKE: You see, mon ami, 朋友, φίλος, חבר, приятель, صديق, amigos and friends of all the nations, and kindreds, and peoples, and tongues, we are referring to History that never was because of the following reasons: (*Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth/ Por lo cual la ley es debilitada, y el juicio no sale según la verdad; por cuanto el impío asedia al justo, por eso sale torcida la justicia).

DISCLAIMER so BEWARE: NO ADVICE HERE, NOR A SOUND OPINION, FOR WE HAVE ZERO OPINION IN THE MATTER, AND FOR THAT MATTER ON ANY MATTER CONCERNING THIS WORLD. We have said countless times that we are not for any side of the “coin”, we just “observe and declare what we see”, Refer to: Isaiah/Isaías 21:6, we post it and you decide.

MORE DISCLAIMER so BEWARE: THE ART OF CONNECTING-THE-DOTS: Be advised: This Art, Connecting-the-Dots, has ‘nada’ to do with The Art of the Deal. Also be advised: Please, Don’t Try This at Home Alone, but rather with the company of the Word of God, the Bible, beseeching the Mercy and the Wisdom of God the Father (Refer to: Zephaniah/Sofonías 2:3 & John/Juan 6:45).

MORE DISCLAIMER so BEWARE: THE ART OF TAKE-NO-PRISONERS, but rather hand them to God’s Justice, the God of the Bible that is. Be advised: This Art, Take-no-Prisoners, has ‘nada’ to do with The Art of the Deal. Also be advised: Please, Don’t Try This at Home Alone, but rather with the company of the Word of God, the Bible, beseeching the Mercy and the Wisdom of God the Father (Refer to: Jude/Judas 21-25).

​(3/3/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-IV: The Curious Case of Myanmar: While the icon of peace and democracy in that Far East country, dear aunt Aung San Suu Kyi with the Military as complicit, say bizness partners, committed genocide against citizens of Burma, the Rohingya Muslim minority for quite a few years, the great majority of Burmese kept silence to their suffering and their plight, the Rohingya Muslims that is. Well, as that old Castilian adage goes: ¡Donde las dan, las toman! In English would be something like: What goes around comes around! Who ya gonna call now, Ghostbusters? The Great Grand Piper seems to be infuriated, because it is time to pay the Piper all around the ‘Globo Terráqueo’. Just look around the World ye people of the World: (*For the LORD thy God is a consuming fire/Porque Jehová tu Dios es fuego consumidor/For our God is consuming fire/Porque nuestro Dios es fuego consumidor)

NAY BUT, O Batuta, who are thou that repliest to the overall brutality in Burma, some might say, is it your business? ‘Precisamente’, amigos, because it’s not my business, for if it was my business I would be utterly ‘callado/silent’! [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]

​ON THE HOME FRONT: Come on Mr. Wray, be brave and spill it out and tell it like it is! January 6 Attack, it’s not just “Domestic Terrorism…”; go ahead, finish the sentence: Domestic Christian Terrorism! Sorry… but not sorry: Enough, no more Band-aids on a Terminal Cancer!!!

​ON THE TEXAS FRONT: TEXAS IS BAAACK!!! The Governor like in a race on wheels said fast & furious: The hell with Crownvirus, we’re baaack and open for ‘bizness ciento por ciento’, that officially in proper Tejano is: Texas Opens 100 Percent! It is the Texas “New Deal”, but ‘permítame’ to say Mr. Abbott, you sire ain’t President Franklin D. Roosevelt nor could be in a billion years, and to top it off with “icing” on the cake [and never better said] “no digno de desatar las correas de sus sandalias”, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s sandals that is. At any rate, Fast Biden back at ‘La Casa Pálida’ blasted the Neanderthal thinking already. ♪What’s it all about, Abbott♪♪ ♪A distraction from the Tejanos who froze to death♪♪ ♪Or you’re a believer of plan B♪♪ ♪Plan B: Many people who are dying♪♪ ♪Both here and around the world♪♪ ♪Were on their last legs anyway♪♪♪/. Ye the people rest their case!!!

​SORRY, but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it! And ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté, le minimum vital, un salario di sussistenza, existenzminimum, the living wage, Прожиточный минимум, أجر المعيشة, 生活工资, שכר מחיה, el salario vital, and the Universal Healthcare for All, y viva the ‘peaceful exercising power’ of ye the people! ¡Y viva the ‘Correctional Facilities’ for big honchos and big cheeses on planet Mars! ¡Y viva de “Freedom of Religion” ma non senza “Freedom from Religion”! How ‘bout them apples & hostias? ¡¡¡TOMA YA: Entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma: Asi que: No hay escapatoria, canutos!!! [Always Spanglish plus… in this occasion, mind you Triumvirātus?]

​ON THE WAR FRONT IN THE MEDIO ORIENTE: Another death: A Military Contractor “suffered a cardiac episode while sheltering” y ‘se murió’ shortly afterward.” [The Military Contractor probably “knew what he $igned up for.” Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump] However, the three that died of cardiac arrest in the ‘fallida/snafu’ de la “Toma de la Casa de Horrores”, something similar to “La Toma de la Bastilla” el 14 the Julio de 1789 en Paris, ye the people don’t know yet if they were innocent bystanders or “rebel contractors with the Christian Terrorists that stormed the Capitol Hill” on the feast of the Three Kings, January 6, 2021. Not even Mr. “Hot Cable” Wray gives the explanation of these three mysterious individuals that perished in the bloody attempt of the taking of Washington DC’s House of Horrors.

​NOW concerning the Middle East, all this presents a heavy duty war conundrum for the Quid pro quo [SPQR] Harris/Biden Administration now that Fast Joe’s father, spiritual father that is, don Jorge Mario “Imbroglio Vetrinista” Bergoglio, will try to make, in a day or two, a triumphant entrance [Mission Accomplished] into the “Green Zone” of Bagdad, Iraq. Some of those big honchos in the “Big Security Bizne$$”, military contractors and so on, should put careful attention to that February 2016 prophesy by no other than Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump: “Pope Francis will wish I were President when…”!!! A mini musical interlude to dissipate the dust and ashes that the permanent warmongers produce: ♪La Vida Sigue Igual/It’s Business As Usual♪♪ ♪Al final las obras quedan las gentes se van♪♪ ♪Otras que vienen las continuarán♪♪ ♪La vida sigue igual/It’s business as usual♪♪♪/. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]

​CHRISTIANITY BRAND NEW LYRICS! A CANTATA THAT MAY BE WORTH OUR ATTENTION: AND I APPROVE THIS CANTATA: {Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump} POTUS POPUS TRUMPTUS I OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH: ♪♪♪AMAZING DISGRACE♪♪♪ ♪Amazing Disgrace♪♪ ♪How Bitter the Sound♪♪ ♪That Enslaved a Wretch Like Us♪♪♪ ♪We Once Were Lost♪♪ ♪And Now We Aren’t Found♪♪♪ ♪Were Blind♪♪ ♪But Now We’re Deaf♪♪♪/. And the American Church of Vandals says: Darn!!!

​ON THE ECONOMIC FRONT: The Curious Case of Bitcoin. What is it, anyway? It’s a Bird… It’s a Plane… It’s a Coin!!! Well, as long as it is not a fake coin, you know, amigos, folks and blokes, like “Fake coin Pence” there might be hope in the Internet-Cloud. But you know how it is, and you better do a reality check: The Triumvirātus is still very much in charge of the present World Order and Its Economy.

A DISCLAIMER [I, Batuta, adhere completely, so does Felix Altamonte, my official dwelling home, with señor Mosca’s assertion]: NO ADVICE HERE, NOR A SOUND OPINION, FOR WE HAVE ZERO OPINION IN THE MATTER, AND FOR THAT MATTER ON ANY MATTER CONCERNING THIS WORLD. We have said countless times that we are not for any side of the “coin”, we just “observe and declare what we see”, Refer to: Isaiah/Isaías 21:6, we post it and you decide.

THE CURIOUS CASE OF BITCOIN: Although still a ‘Misterio/Mystery’ and it will require someone like “The Queen of Solving Mysteries”, the late Dame Agatha Mary Clarissa Christie or her admired creations, the great detectives Monsieur Poirot and Miss Marple, to solve it; but something positive about it, Bitcoin, is that it is not a ‘Secreto/Secret’ as, for example, the “British/American ‘Alianza/Alliance’ is a ‘Force for Good’ in the Middle East”. Now, that’s a real Molotov cocktail with a twist of lemon peel in 007 Martini, shaken not stirred: Licence to Kill!!! Bitcoin might be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back, the brutal British/American Global Financial System’s Back, that is!!! One question before I carry on with the quest of Bitcoin, dear sober and wise readers of Christianity vs. God, the book: Is it Bitcoin just a tiny little part of the entire “Cancel Culture” Enchilada to Come and Not a Moment Too Soon?

AN ANSWER TO CONSIDER IS THE BRUTAL BRITISH/AMERICAN GLOBAL FINANCIAL SYSTEM HA BEEN CANCEL: EL RELATO DE UNA MUERTE ANUNCIADA/THE TALE OF A DEATH FORETOLD: The Death of Capitalism in Progress? The Agonizing Brutal British/American Capitalism System in Its Deathbed! The Sequel: The Tale of a Death Foretold II: The Agonizing British/American Capitalism System in Its Deathbed Is Being Administered the Last Rites!

EVEN THE AMERICAN BEAST AGREED: FROM THE ONLY HONEST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, BIG BABY BOY!!! “Trump Says System Is ‘Rigged’.” “Donald Trump says the whole economy is ‘rigged’.” “Trump: We have a rigged system” “Everyone is lying’: Trump questions public health experts on Twitter” April 12, June 22, 2016; December 9, 2017; July 13, 2020 (If you Google these Headlines, you’ll find the complete articles in many newspapers) How am I doing so far, Señor Presidente, Don Donald Juan “Good Genes” Trump?

SORRY, but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it! And ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay!!! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté, le minimum vital, un salario di sussistenza, existenzminimum, the living wage, Прожиточный минимум, أجر المعيشة, 生活工资, שכר מחיה, el salario vital, and the complete Healthcare for All, y viva the ‘peaceful exercising power’ of ye the people!/. (Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?) ¡¡¡TOMA YA: Entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma: Asi que: No hay escapatoria, canutos!!!

​ALL IS NOT QUIET ON THE WESTERN FRONT! NEWS FROM THE WESTERN FRONT, A BRIDGE TO NOWHERE: ONE MORE TIME: FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC & CANTO OF “UGOS”: A CANTATA THAT MAY BE WORTH ALL OUR ATTENTION: {Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump} I & THE GLOBAL VANDAL CHURCH DO NOT APPROVE THIS CANTATA: POTUS POPUS TRUMPTUS I OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH: ♪♪♪WESTERN BRIDGE♪♪♪ ♪Western Bridge is falling down♪♪ ♪Falling down, falling down♪♪ ♪Western Bridge is falling down♪♪ ♪My fair lady♪♪♪/. And the “Global Universal Church of Vandals” says: Darn!!!

​ATTENTION/ATENCIÓN: HAVE YOU EVER LISTENED TO REQUIEM FOR THE WEST? NOW YOU CAN: ♪♪♪REQUIEM FOR THE WEST/ADAGIO IN G MINOR♪♪♪ Seats for the very first presentation still available at the “Concert Auditorium” of “UGOS”, no charge and no questions asked for audiences of all ages and all nations, and kindreds, and tongues! Sorry, thank you, but no thanks, no donations or offerings are accepted. How do we make it? (*But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Je’sus)


(3/5/2021) A SHORT LIST OF THOSE PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. that should have been Impeached a moment in time during the time that they were alive; but behold, some of them are still alive, and just one crime should have been sufficient, the worst of all: Crimes Against Humanity!!! Will there be someone in America del Norte left who is brave enough to answer to that higher calling, Impeachment without the No Conclusion on the Collusion? In Spain they say: ¿Quién le pone el cascabel al gato? [A True Important Fact: All the Presidents in U.S.A. History have been Christians up to Today]

ANDREW JACKSON: The first proven President of the U.S.A. of having committed “Crimes Against Humanity” and if the “Trail of Tears” is not High Crimes, never mind the Misdemeanors, somebody please explain what is it? Even before becoming President, Andrew Jackson was an assassin of women, men and children and known for expropriating land for himself and his partners in crime. As President, Andrew Jackson signed into law on May 28, 1830 the “Indian Removal Act”, thus the “Trail of Tears” where thousands upon thousands women, men and children died of hunger and froze to death [have you heard that, first citizen of Texas Abbott?]. Even before the Christian Nazis, [remember that 50% of them were Lutherans and the other 50% were Catholics] came to be known for practicing Death Marches, the Christian Government of U.S.A. was practicing “forced marches”, and the “Trail of Tears” is just one of many of them through 250 years of its history. Andrew Jackson was also a consummate “Slave Owner” to top it off, the ‘icing’ on the cake as a criminal of the worst kind!!!

I, Batuta, the humble conscience of the author of “Christianity vs. God” Felix Altamonte, am curious to know if one of the great admirers of Andrew “Assassin” Jackson, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump, considers that Jackson is looking down, and if that’s so, why? But then again, also if Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump could consider that Jackson at the end of the day might be looking up and if it is so, why? In any event, one way or another Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump would have to explain his final conclusion for the world is listening and watching; it is not enough to hide behind the prominent position that he holds even up to today: Potus Popus Trumptus I of the American Church. ‘En otras palabras’: The Dear Supreme Leader & Maximum Moral and Spiritual Authority of America del Norte, and let’s not forget that he hasn’t conceded and ‘Joe Hiden’ might just be the caretaker until he returns triumphantly after winning the third time the right to the Beautiful House, “La Casa Pálida” that is.

​SINCE “Christianity vs. God”, the book, is mainly a History Book, and even though it could be labeled within the parameter of fiction on its own merit as “Fiction Literature”, when it come to history it is right on the dot, for it brings to the front burner that part of History that was left behind, for the historians that wrote history in more cases than none were the official historians of the regimes and nations, thus depending on them for their livelihood, hardly any candidate of ‘poner el cascabel al gato’ were there, if you ask me, but again, I rather you don’t ask me, that is, ask yourselves. But let me be clear, when it comes to the History of the last XVII centuries there is no fiction to be found, Christian or World History that is. I, Batuta, subscribe to señor Mosca’s definition: Christianity and World History is one and the same, ‘uña y carne’, or twins walking the roads of ignominy hand in hand. Yeah, dear sober and wise reader of “Christianity vs. God”, the book, it is impossible to write about the History of the World for the last XVII centuries without bringing along its twin sister Christianity or vice versa.

​HAVING written about those facts, let us go to the Christian meaning of the word Caretaker: Regente/Regent. A clear example was the curious case of Adriaan Florensz Boeyens, who later on became pope Adrian VI, who was Regente/Regent ruler of Spain in place of Carlos I of Spain, Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor. So the question is: Is Joe “Fast” Biden the Regente/Regent [Caretaker] until Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump comes of age, whatever that means? Nobody knows; the way most things are, anything is possible in America del Norte, considering that the Man that is holding back, for now [stand back and stand by], at Mar-a-Pantano could be in charge of America’s Fifth Column and they just might be waiting for the ‘code word’ from the Man that single-handed has created the “Green Zone” in the heart of Washington D.C., around the “House of Horrors” that is [An Enlightening Moment for ye the people of America del Norte: ¡Cuando se lee poco se dispara mucho!]

CONCLUSION of ‘The Curiously Wicked Case of Andrew “Malaparte” Jackson’: It was a shame that a tradition that was started with an official ‘Retirement Community’ for wicked Heads of State and that was inaugurated by Napoleón Bonaparte stopped so abruptly. If someone brave and patriotic back then would have ‘puesto el cascabel al gato’, Andrew “Malaparte” Jackson might have ended up in Sainte-Hélène. But behold, without his slaves, nor maid, nor cook. In other words, zero courtiers. Maybe a military chaplain, but that’s it!!!

AND NOW A BRIEF MUSICAL INTERLUDE: ♪You may be right♪♪ ♪I may be crazy♪♪ ♪Oh, but it just may be a radical the World is looking for♪♪ ♪Turn out the light♪♪ ♪Is an ugly World Order♪♪ ♪Remember the Radical of Ages♪♪ ♪Turn on the Light when there’s true Order♪♪ ♪True Law and Order, no not just for some, but for everyone♪♪♪/.

(3/6/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-V: YEAH, IT’S WHO WE ARE, AMERICA!!! “WHAT? NOT AGAIN!!! Amanda Gorman a ‘suspicious’ Black American Girl?” And Ye the People Do Not Rest Their Case!!!


A SECOND ONE IN THE SHORT LIST OF THOSE PRESIDENTS IN THE U.S.A. that should have been Impeached a moment in time during the time that they were alive; but behold, some of them are still alive, and just one crime should have been sufficient, the worst of all: Crimes Against Humanity!!! Will there be someone in America del Norte left who is brave enough to answer to that higher calling, Impeachment without the No Conclusion on the Collusion? In Spain they say: ¿Quién le pone el cascabel al gato? [A True Important Fact: All the Presidents in U.S.A. History have been Christians up to Today]

HARRY S. TRUMAN: The second proven President of the U.S.A. of having committed “Crimes Against Humanity” and if the “Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki” is not High Crimes, never mind the Misdemeanors, somebody please explain what is it?

(3/8/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-VI: Happy International Women’s Day, Gals!!! It Is a Man’s World Nonetheless!!! And the Women say: We Let You Guys Think So!!! Watch Out Mexico’s ‘Obrador y Labrador de Mentiras’ and never mind Misdemeanors but with political Collusion without Conclusion!!! Have you heard that, Cumo, back up there in Albany, New York State, Los Yunaites!!! It seems that the “Chickens Are Coming Home to Roost” in Mexico and in New York State and ‘Los Gallos de Morón sin Plumas y Cacareando’ are running to mountains!!! Watch out you too, Obispo Robertico “Chupacabras” Candelario ‘dando órdenes a las gallinas y aún a los gallos de tu corral’ down there in Orlando, Florida, Los Yunaites!!! Three down, one Million more to go!!! Can’t stop it now: “Cancel Culture” is On the Move Everywhere!!! Thank you mucho Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump!!!

SORRY, but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it! And ♪♪♪I’m gonna say it again♪♪♪: ¡Ándale! ¡Ándale! ¡Arriba! ¡Arriba! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! ¡Epa! Yeehaw! I Yabba-Dabba Do! Yippee-Ki-Yay! ¡Vive la Liberté, égalité, fraternité, honnêteté, le minimum vital, un salario di sussistenza, existenzminimum, the living wage, Прожиточный минимум, أجر المعيشة, 生活工资, שכר מחיה, el salario vital, and the Universal Healthcare for All, y viva the ‘peaceful exercising power’ of ye the people! ¡Y viva the ‘Correctional Facilities’ for big honchos and big cheeses on planet Mars! ¡Y viva de “Freedom of Religion” ma non senza “Freedom from Religion”! How ‘bout them apples & hostias? ¡Que Viva La Mujer y la Madre que la Parió, una Mujer Too! ¡¡¡TOMA YA: Entre broma y broma la verdad se asoma: Asi que: No hay escapatoria, canutos!!! [Always Spanglish plus… in this occasion, mind you Triumvirātus?]

CAN’T STOP IT NOW: “CANCEL CULTURE” IS ON THE MOVE EVERYWHERE!!! ¡DÍSELO CANTANDO! ♪♪♪THE EYES OF THE RADICAL OF AGES♪♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you♪♪ ♪All the livelong day now♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, America♪♪ ♪You cannot get away♪♪ ♪Do not think you can escape from Him♪♪ ♪At night or early in the morn -- Lost Cause♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Minneapolis♪♪ ♪Til Christ blows His horn♪♪♪

♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Palacio Nacional♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Buckingham Palace♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Al Yamamah Palace♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Mar-a-Lago♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Palazzo Apostolico♪♪ ♪The Eyes of the Radical of Ages are upon you, Texas Governor’s Mansion♪♪ ♪All the livelong day now♪♪ ♪You cannot get away♪♪ ♪Do not think you can escape from Him♪♪ ♪At night or early in the morn -- Lost Cause♪♪ ♪Til Christ blows His horn♪♪♪/.

(*Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you/Mirad entre las naciones, y ved, y asombraos; porque haré una obra en vuestros días, que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis)

(3/11/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-VII: What a pleasant surprise, professor Felix Altamonte! To what do we owe this unexpected honor! Cut it out, Batuta, and to answer to our sober and wise readers why I have interrupted my self-imposed six-month sabbatical, of which I have spent part in Seville and the rest that is left in the small town of Restitution; and the answer is simple: For History’s Sake! I’ll use a ‘cantata’ all the way from ‘La Isla de San Fernando’, dubbed “Camarón’s Island” [no pun intended, Mr. Cameron of the British Isles], Cádiz, Al-Andalus, Espanya, as an introduction: ♪♪♪Las duquelas [cheesed off] que tú tengas, Nigel♪♪ ♪Las duquelas [rabietas/tantrums] que tú tengas, Farage♪♪ ♪Bien merecías las tienes♪♪ ♪Por tener tan mala lengua [lengua viperina/viperine tongue♪♪♪/. From the horse’s mouth: “Nobody in the world, in history, has done more for people of color than the British royal family”, “The queen and the royal family have spent the last 70 years touring around the commonwealth. The vast majority of those people are black and Asian”.

WELL, Mr. Nigel “Fanfarrón” Farage, you’re not alone nor the British royal family for that matter. On the other side of the Pond someone before you, [KAGA], said something very similar on September 22, 2020: Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump: “I've done more for the Black community than any other president, and I say with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln”!!! ♪♪♪We don’t need another hero♪♪ ♪The World had enough with Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump♪♪ ♪Never mind ‘Trumpeta and Malanía’ Saving the World♪♪ ♪We don’t need another hero, White Knight♪♪ ♪They already have done enough in this World♪♪ ♪The White Man’s Burden♪♪♪/.

I, Felix Altamonte, am out of here! Nonetheless, I personally would like to thank Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump and Mr. Nigel “Fanfarrón” Farage for promoting “Cancel Culture”; ironically these two bozos do not need any “Help” from the Beatles or anyone else for that matter!!! [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]

GOD TOLD US SO! FROM THE BOOK: (*For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed/Porque los gobernadores de este pueblo son engañadores, y sus gobernados se pierden/He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure/El que mora en los cielos se reirá; El Señor se burlará de ellos. Luego hablará a ellos en su furor, Y los turbará con su ira)


(3/14/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-VIII: ¡Dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres! But then again: “Cuando el río suena, agua lleva”. I’m not saying that these two old Castilians adages could be applied to “Big Dog Ranch Rescue”, for we applaud and laude animal lovers earnestly, of which of course includes Dogs and Cats and other people’s pets. But then again wisdom lacks all around regardless. Whoever associates himself or herself with the most corrupt ‘Primera Familia’ in the History of the Yunaites, even for just a few hours of a day at Mar-a-Pantano, regardless of the reason, could be tainted for life, just like a lifelong tattoo does/. This has been a brief ‘Boletín Informativo/Informative Bulletin’ totally ‘gratis/free’ of charge and courtesy of ‘moi’, Batuta, for people’s donations sake and as important, if not more, for the Dogs’ sake! Yours sincerely: Batuta, the conscience of Christianity vs. God, the book.

(3/15/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-IX: ♪What’s it all about, AstraZeneca?♪♪ Doesn’t anybody know the fate of Séneca at the hands of his pupil Nero? Señor Mosca on certain occasions said: If you don’t want to have too many enemies, then have just a few friends, the minimum amount, that’s it! Señor Mosca many moons ago also warned the World of the impending war, “The War of the Vaccines”, no less! To Each Its Own! ♪Some Like It Hot and Some Like It Cold♪♪ ♪Some like Zeneca♪♪ ♪Some like Sputnik V♪♪ ♪Some like Moderna♪♪ ♪Some like Pfizer♪♪ ♪Some like J&J♪♪ ♪Meanwhile the Rich Get Richer♪♪ ♪And the Poor Get Poorer♪♪ ♪And the Poor Die Sooner than Later♪♪♪/.

MORE NEWS: THIS MOMENT IN TIME FROM TRUMP’S PLANET AS IT ORBITS OVER THE NATION: The looming shadow of Trump over the GOP [Conservatism equals Racism]: From the horse’s mouth, S.C. senator Graham: The GOP can’t afford a divorce with Trump: “Hang together or hang separately [What’s wrong with this Machiavellian senator from S.C., reminding ye the people of the saga of Benito Mussolini and his gang?].”/. The “Looming Shadow” makes surprise appearance at America’s Sarah d’Arc of the “House of Huckabee” marathon in Arkansas, who was gobsmacked according to the obligatory smile on her pretty round face. Should America’s Sarah d’Arc of the “House of Huckabee” heed S.C. senator Graham’s ominous marriage advice, political marriage that is? And the Christian Terrorists say: Darn!!! This is not Ripley’s Believe It or Not! Is this Real or Reality TV, you know, like The Apprentice? Are these two guys still out there meandering the streets of the Big Apple? The Apprentice and Mob Lawyer [Rodolfo Consigliere Protégé] Facing N.Y. Probes now! Solo a America, Amici!!!

Sorry but…, not sorry; I couldn’t help it and we have to sing it again: ♪Allo, I'm-a Consigliere Giuliani, I got-a something special-a for you Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump, ready?♪♪ ♪Uno, duo, tre, quatro!♪♪ ♪What's-a matter you? Hey! Gotta no respect?♪♪ ♪What-a you t'ink you do, why you look-a so sad?♪♪ ♪It's-a not so bad, it's-a nice-a place♪♪ ♪Ah shaddap-a you face!♪♪♪/. [Always Spanglish {sometimes Italiano too}, mind you Triumvirātus?]

(3/16/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-X: Could It Become a Reality the Building on Mars of a large ‘Correctional Facility’ to accommodate ‘elite thieves and criminals’, you know ‘mon ami’ [back with Monsieur Poirot], like clergy, robber barons, kings and queens, politicians, including those referring to the “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”, and so on? A perfect moment in time for Mr. Fast Biden [never mind “Sleepy Joe”, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump] to shake off of his shoulders the heavy notion of being the “Caretaker, Regente/Regent”, until the return of the Man from Mar-a-Pantano. Then again, as legend goes: Charity Starts at Home [Trickle-down anti-corruption for the good of ye the people], and then Globally. In other words, why not start with ‘Trump’s heel’ and then charge into Global ‘Achilles’ heel’ anti-corruption fight. If you start at home, Mr. Fast Biden, there is no better place than “The House of Horrors” at Capitol Hill, unless lying bluntly to ye the people is not corruption in the first degree. At any rate, keep on going fast and furious, Mr. Fast Biden, for it’s about time that Law and Order is applied to every single breathing soul in and out of the Yunaites.

EXPOSING CORRUPTION “is something we’re going to dedicate both more focus, more time and more resources to,” Blinken said Wednesday during an appearance before the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “We see it as both, unfortunately, prevalent in so many places, but also a little bit of an Achilles’ heel when we can put the spotlight on it. Because when people see the corruption of their leaders, that’s a good way to undermine support for said leaders.” [Always Spanglish {sometimes Latin too}, mind you Triumvirātus?]

AND NOW NEWSREEL IN THE MIDDLE EAST reeling like a Rolling Stone: #IAmMySong: The Noble People of the Noble Nation of Afghanistan deserves much better, and at this moment in time Women more than anybody else should be respected and have in ‘gran estima’ all around, including equal rights. Without their input, Women’s input, you’ll have no Country, Taliban, not about said civilized Country that is. Is it necessary to remind every member of the Taliban that each and every one of them were born of a Woman, meaning that mother is a Woman, and who could be a ‘desalmado’ that does not love his own mother?

YOU already have proven as a People that no “army of invaders”, from Alexander’s Macedonians, then after the British Empire, and after that the Soviet Union [Russia], the latest one being the American Empire, could take hold on your Noble Land. Afghanistan has been dubbed “The Graveyard of Empires” not for no reason; now is the best moment in time in History when Afghanistan could be dubbed as “The First New Frontier” in the Middle East!

MUSIC AND SINGING is a Heavenly Art. Just so you know it, Taliban and others in Afghanistan and all around the World, before God Created Heaven and Earth there was Music and Canto in God’s House. Some Angels played Music and the rest of the Angels Sang Praises to the Lord. Now still the Heavenly Concert continues and “some” of the names in the Choir are: Abel, Enoch, Noah, Job, Moses, Jacob, Isaac, Sarah, Abraham, Ruth, David, Esther, Daniel, María, José, Paul of Tarsus, Peter, Santiago, Jude Thaddaeus, Elizabeth, Magdalene, Lazarus, Mary and Martha of Bethany… And again: Viva the Girls of #IAmMySong!!!/.


(3/18/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-XI ON WHEELS: [No pun intended die hard messengers of the GOP, SPQR, Cawthorn & Abbott] The murderer assassin was on his way to Florida in a four wheel ‘vehiculo’ to clean houses of sin, preferably Asian, meanwhile some captain of the Cherokee County Sheriff's Office said: “He was pretty much fed up and kind of at the end of his rope. Yesterday was a really bad day for him and this is what he did”, to which a wise woman concluded saying: “I'm sick to my stomach thinking about the ideations that led to the violence in Georgia - steeped in xenophobia, sexism, imperialism, and white supremacy”!

DÍSELO CANTANDO TO “THE WHITE SUPREMACISTS CHRISTIAN TERRORISTS”: ♪♪♪A BAD DAY FOR A WHITE DUDE♪♪♪ ♪'Cause you had a bad day♪♪ ♪You're taking one down♪♪ ♪You had a bad day♪♪ ♪The camera don’t lie♪♪ ♪You took two down♪♪ ♪You had a bad day♪♪ ♪You took three down♪♪ ♪You creepy Roberto A. Long♪♪ ♪You took four, five down♪♪ ♪But you had a bad day♪♪ ♪The camera don’t lie♪♪ ♪You took six or seven down♪♪ ♪'Cause you had a bad day♪♪ ♪The camera don’t lie♪♪ ♪You took altogether eight lives down♪♪ ♪You were on your way to Florida♪♪ ♪In a four wheel vehicle♪♪ ♪To mow down more souls?♪♪ ♪To extend your bad day?♪♪ ♪When was the last time♪♪ ♪You heard from your pastor♪♪ ♪Thou Shalt Not Kill♪♪♪/.

BE AWARE, OH CHRISTIAN AMERICA!!! The Secret Service detained what seems to be another “white supremacist” outside of the dwelling place of US Vice-Presidenta and her husband, the Nation’s first-ever Second Gentleman, which is known as the Naval Observatory. This other white dude went up there in a four wheel vehicle as well all the way from the Lone Star State, also known as Texas, ‘en concrētus’ from San Antonio. It was found in his ‘vehiculo’ an AR-15 with over a hundred pieces of ammunition, and is been told that he wasn’t in a state of “paranoid delusions” when he recently purchased that deadly weapon, the weapon of choice of the “White Supremacist Fifth Column”, the AR-15 style rifle that is. How are we doing so far, reverends Nicolaítas “American is a Christian Nation Jeffress” & “Chupacabras Candelario? Next time an American politician, or a member of the clergy for that matter, say “This Is Not Who We Are”, he or she should be taken immediately to the nearest “Cuckoo’s House” for at least Seventy-Two hours of serious and thorough evaluation!!! [Always Spanglish {sometimes Latin too}, mind you Triumvirātus?]

(3/20/2021) NEWSREEL DCLXVI-XII: THE MUSICAL DICOVERY IN THE ATLANTA INVESTIGATION SHOOTINGS: ♪♪♪TRUMP’S KUNG FLU FIGHTING♪♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s kung flu fighting♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s Wuhan virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s China virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Follow Trump’s virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪It’ll take you to Mar-a-Lago♪♪♪

♪White Supremacists are kung flu fighting, huh♪♪ ♪Trump’s Base are fast as lighting♪♪ ♪In fact, it is greatly frightening, hey, yeah♪♪ ♪They attack venerable old Chinese Americans♪♪ ♪They attack young Chinese American Mothers♪♪ ♪While walking their babies in strollers♪♪ ♪Attacked while walking the dangerous streets of America♪♪ ♪In fact, the Base are cowards♪♪ ♪The White Supremacist Brigade are soulless cowards♪♪♪

♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s kung flu fighting♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s Wuhan virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s China virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Follow Trump’s virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪It’ll take you to Mar-a-Lago♪♪♪

​♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪There was funky Don Jr. and little Sen. Cotton♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-no-no♪♪ ♪He said, “Here comes the boss, let’s get it on”♪♪ ♪Bad timing an expert said♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho (Huh!)♪♪ ♪For the Boss of Bosses to get it on♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho (Ha!)♪♪ ♪You know, Rodolfo, Capo dei capi♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-no-no (Huh!)♪♪ ♪Capire, Capo di tutti capi, lo stesso♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho (Ay!)♪♪ ♪El mismo, Don Donald Juan Trump♪♪ ♪In fact, it is greatly frightening (Ay, ma ahimè!)♪♪♪

♪What about centuries old Crownvirus, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump?♪♪ ♪Are you having ‘a really bad day’, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump?♪♪ ♪What about the British virus, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump?♪♪ ♪What about Brazil’s Bolsonaro virus, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump?♪♪♪

♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s kung flu fighting♪♪ ♪And again, What about centuries old Crownvirus, Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump?♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪The Royal family and the Queen - I happen to think♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪I know the Queen as you know♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪I met with the Queen♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪And I think the Queen is a tremendous person♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪And I am not a fan of Meghan♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪♪

♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪2024, I hope that happens♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪ If that happened, I think I’d have an even stronger feeling toward running♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪And I do not approve this cantata: Potus Popus Trumptus I of the American Church♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪♪

♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s kung flu fighting, huh♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s Wuhan virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Trump’s China virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪Follow Trump’s virus♪♪ ♪Oh-ho-ho-ho♪♪ ♪It’ll take you to Mar-a-Lago, hey, yeah♪♪♪/. [Always Spanglish {sometimes Italian too}, mind you Triumvirātus?]


(3/21/2021) SUNDAY: [WE’RE BORROWING FROM señor Mosca THE FOLLOWING INTRODUCTION: We at Christianity vs. God, the book, do not own a “Spiritual Bully Pulpit” in which to give a Homily. And what is a “homily” anyway? A “Homily is a cascade of words coming out of the mouth of a “charlatan” with the purpose of keeping the “Spell” over a “Captive Audience” for as long as possible, and this occurs in a setting such as a Cathedral, Church, Mosque and the like. We deliver our “observations & declarations” (Isaiah/Isaías 21:6) in several different ways, all of them harmless, if I may say so. One of them is via “Cantatas & Symphonies” for we are very musically oriented.]

AND NOW A HEAVENLY “HOPE” CANTATA FROM THE THIRD HEAVEN, GOD’S HEAVEN: ♪♪♪LEAN ON “HIM” WHEN YOU’RE NOT STRONG♪♪♪ ♪Lean on “Him” when you're not strong♪♪ ♪And He’ll be your friend, He’ll help you carry on♪♪ ♪For it won’t be long♪♪ ♪‘Til we’re all gonna need somebody to lean on♪♪ ♪Please swallow your pride♪♪ ♪If He has things you need to borrow♪♪ ♪For no one can fill those of your needs♪♪ ♪That we won’t let show♪♪♪

♪Lean on “Him”, the God of the Bible♪♪ ♪Not on the god of christianity♪♪ ♪The latter one will not be your friend♪♪ ♪Do not feed or serve the Beast, the Dragon, nor the False Prophet!♪♪ ♪¡No echar comida ni servir a la Bestia, al Dragón ni al Falso Profeta!♪♪ ♪Feed equals Donations, Tithes or Offerings♪♪ ♪Alimento es igual a Primicias, Donaciones, Diezmos u Ofrendas♪♪♪

♪Many times in our lives♪♪ ♪We all have pain, we all have sorrow♪♪ ♪But if we are wise♪♪ ♪We know that He’ll be there always tomorrow♪♪♪

♪So lean on “Him” when you're not strong♪♪ ♪*Diga el débil: Fuerte soy, “Él” the ayudará a continuar♪♪ ♪*Let the weak say, I am strong, He’ll help you carry on♪♪ ♪♪For it won’t be long♪♪ ♪‘Til we’re all gonna need “Him” to lean on♪♪ ♪*Fíate de “Él” de todo corazón, Y no te apoyes en tu propia prudencia♪♪ ♪*Trust in “Him” with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding♪♪♪/. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]

(하나가 다른 것으로 이어진다) ONE MUSICAL ♪NOTE♪ LEADS TO ANOTHER, ONE ♪CANTATA♪ LEADS TO ANOTHER ♪CANTATA♪: ♪♪♪AIN’T NO SUNSHINE♪♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine when they’re gone♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, (where is 엄마)♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone, (where is 아빠)♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine when she’s gone, (where is 할머니)♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine when he’s gone, (where is grandpa too)♪♪ ♪They were taken inútilmente away, uselessly are gone♪♪♪

♪There’ll be no sunshine if He’s gone♪♪ ♪Everything will die away forever more♪♪ ♪But “He” said, *And, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world♪♪ ♪*For in him we live, and move, and have our being♪♪ ♪And “He” also said, *Yet one more I shake not just the earth only, but also heaven♪♪♪

♪But wait brother♪♪ ♪Wait a minute sister, the “Man” ain’t done♪♪ ♪Wait for ‘the rest of the story’, and I hear it from grandma♪♪ ♪Just the two of us♪♪ ♪You know sister, you know brother♪♪ ♪ Just the two of us, “Him” and you♪♪ ♪Just the two of us, “Him” and I♪♪ ♪ Just the two of us, “Him” and us♪♪ ♪The only way to make it♪♪♪

♪So lean on “Him” when you're not strong♪♪ ♪*Diga el débil: Fuerte soy, “Él” the ayudará a continuar♪♪ ♪*Let the weak say, I am strong, He’ll help you carry on♪♪ ♪♪For it won’t be long♪♪ ♪‘Til we’re all gonna need “Him” to lean on♪♪ ♪*But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint♪♪♪

♪And I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪♪Ain’t no sunshine in the church♪♪ ♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine in the mosque♪♪ ♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪They love guns in the church♪♪ ♪♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪They love guns in the mosque♪♪ ♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine for “He” doesn’t go to church♪♪ ♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪Ain’t no sunshine for “He” doesn’t go to mosque♪♪ ♪I know, I know, I know, I know♪♪ ♪For “He” doesn’t do church, “He” doesn’t do mosque♪♪♪

♪Ain’t no sunshine in that place♪♪ ♪Only darkness everyday♪♪ ♪You know brother, you know sister♪♪ ♪What these spiritual big honchos want from you♪♪ ♪They want your tithe/仂♪♪ ♪These wolves want your lana♪♪ ♪These mullahs want your mula♪♪ ♪They love money and power♪♪ ♪Other people’s money♪♪ ♪Power and money they love all of them♪♪ ♪They couldn’t care two hoots about your soul♪♪ ♪Only “He” cares and sustains your soul till the end of times♪♪ ♪Heed to “His Word” today and forever more♪♪ ♪*Come out of her, my people♪♪ ♪*Salid de ella, pueblo mío♪♪ ♪*That ye be not partakers of her sins♪♪ ♪*Para que no seáis partícipes de sus pecados♪♪ ♪*And that ye receive not of her plagues♪♪ ♪*Ni recibáis parte de sus plagas♪♪♪/ [Always Spanglish {sometimes Korean too}, mind you Triumvirātus?] How am I doing so far, doctorcito Roberto “Mandarin” Nichols & pastorcito Bob “Mandarín” Candelario down there in Orlando, Florida, the Yunaites?

(3/25/2021) NOT JUST A ♪CANTATA♪ LEADS TO ANOTHER ♪CANTATA♪ BUT IT COULD LEAD TO A POT-POURRI OF THEM TOO: ♪♪♪WE’RE GOING DOWN♪♪♪ ♪We’re … going … down♪♪ ♪We’re going♪♪ ♪ We’re … going … down♪♪ ♪We’re going down♪♪♪

♪We’re going down♪♪ ♪We want the world to know♪♪ ♪Got to let them know♪♪ ♪We’re going out♪♪ ♪We want the world to know♪♪ ♪Got to let all know♪♪♪

♪What goes up must come down♪♪ ♪It’s the law of gravity, dude♪♪ ♪Cannot escape from it, bloke♪♪ ♪Ain’t just words, folks♪♪ ♪Empires come and go♪♪ ♪Leaving a trail of blood, bro♪♪ ♪Time to pay the Piper, boss♪♪♪

♪♪♪WHAT’S GOING ON♪♪♪ ♪Mother, father…, There's too many of you crying♪♪ ♪Brother, brother, brother…, There's far too many of you dying♪♪ ♪Talk to me♪♪ ♪So you can see♪♪ ♪Oh, what's going on (What's going on)♪♪♪

♪You’re going down and out, Repucrats♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Professional Politicians♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Royalty♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Clergy♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, American Theocracy♪♪ ♪Welcome true Freedom of Religion♪♪ ♪Freedom of Religion with Freedom from Religion♪♪♪

♪Hey, hey-hey♪♪ ♪Hey, what’s happenin’?♪♪ ♪Hey, Brother, what’s happenin’?♪♪ ♪The Triumvirātus gets Maximum Pressure, Sister♪♪ ♪Leveling the Tax field not just for some, but for everyone♪♪♪

♪♪♪LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE WORD♪♪♪ ♪*Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s♪♪ ♪*Dad, pues, a César lo que es de César♪♪ ♪*And to God the things that are God’s♪♪ ♪*Y a Dios lo que es de Dios♪♪♪

♪*For the leaders of this people cause them to err♪♪ ♪*Porque los gobernadores de este pueblo son engañadores♪♪ ♪*And they that are led of them are destroyed♪♪ ♪*Y sus gobernados se pierden♪♪♪

♪*Therefore pray not thou for this people♪♪ ♪*Tú, pues, no ores por este pueblo♪♪ ♪*Neither lift up a cry or prayer for them:♪♪ ♪*Ni levantes por ellos clamor ni oración:♪♪ ♪*For I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble♪♪ ♪*Porque yo no oiré en el día que en su aflicción clamen a mí♪♪♪

♪*Behold ye among the heathen♪♪ ♪*Mirad entre las naciones♪♪ ♪*And regard, and wonder marvelously:♪ ♪*Y ved, y asombraos:♪♪ ♪*For I will work a work in your days♪♪ ♪*Porque haré una obra en vuestros días♪♪ ♪*Which ye will not believe, though it be told you♪♪ ♪*Que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis♪♪♪


(3/28/2021) SUNDAY: [WE’RE BORROWING FROM señor Mosca THE FOLLOWING INTRODUCTION: We at Christianity vs. God, the book, do not own a “Spiritual Bully Pulpit” in which to give a Homily. And what is a “homily” anyway? A “Homily is a cascade of words coming out of the mouth of a “charlatan” with the purpose of keeping the “Spell” over a “Captive Audience” for as long as possible, and this occurs in a setting such as a Cathedral, Church, Mosque and the like. We deliver our “observations & declarations” (Isaiah/Isaías 21:6) in several different ways, all of them harmless, if I may say so. One of them is via “Cantatas & Symphonies” for we are very musically oriented.]

LAST BUT NO LEAST: An extraordinary rendition [no pun intended, George War Butcher], if that could be possible at this stage of things, of a “Musical Potpourri”, a final culmination with two for the price of one and its derivatives. Be patient, amigos, folks and blokes, this is a work in progress! But, let’s start with four quotes: The first and the fourth, of the most sublime importance, is from Jesus, not Christianity’s jesus, but the Jesus of the Bible that is: For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad/Porque nada hay oculto, que no haya de ser manifestado; ni escondido, que no haya de ser conocido, y de salir a la luz. Luke/Lucas 8:17 / “You do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.” ― Franz Kafka / Things are not what they seem, however having said that, things might appear to be as one wants them to be, which is fine as long as no one is hurt in the process. The World takes care of that, hurting many, or maybe I should say: Those that have taken the responsibility on their shoulders and on their own initiative, for nobody forced them, not even God, to direct the things of this World. ― Felix Altamonte / Be still, and know that I am God/Estad quietos, y conoced que yo soy Dios. Psalm/Salmos 46:10/. [Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]

​♪♪♪ROCKET MAN♪♪♪ & ♪♪♪SATURDAY IN THE PARK♪♪♪ ♪Rocket man burning out Trumpeta’s fuse down here♪♪ ♪And we think he's gonna stay there a long long time♪♪ ♪Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah♪♪ ♪He’s the rocket man, mind you Uncle Sammy♪♪ ♪Rocket Man already has a big Daddy next door♪♪ ♪He doesn’t need an Uncle that comes from the other side of the Globe♪♪ ♪They already known that Uncle on that side of the Globe♪♪ ♪Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah♪♪ ♪The White Man's Burden♪♪♪

♪Saturday here in the park♪♪ ♪I think it was the Fourth of July♪♪ ♪Shhsh… in 1776 was born a Christian White Nation, god’s chosen nation, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪Saturday over there in Canarias, Espanya,  in a Military park♪♪ ♪I think it was the 18th of July♪♪ ♪Shhsh… en 1936 el Levantamiento Católico Nacional started♪♪ ♪Repression on both sides of the Pond followed for years to come♪♪ ♪What’s with Saturday, brother, what’s with July, sister?♪♪ ♪But wait, bro & sistah♪♪ ♪Tuesday in a Prison yard, over there in France♪♪ ♪I think it was the 14th of July♪♪ ♪Oui sœur, ♪sí hermano, shhsh… in 1789 La Prise de la Bastille♪♪ ♪But at the end of the night the Triumvirātus won♪♪♪

♪Rocket Man (We Think He's Going To Be There A Long, Long Time)♪♪ ♪An Old Mad Man Falling in love with a Young Dictator♪♪ ♪He wrote me beautiful letters and we fell in love♪♪ ♪Rocket Man packed his bags & Malanía mine♪♪ ♪Then we flew to Sentosa for a love summit♪♪♪ ♪We met at a luxury hotel Honeymoon Suite♪♪ ♪Hold your horses, mal pensados, reason why, it was the largest suite♪♪ ♪Rocket Man, the Smart Cookie♪♪ ♪Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump, the Mad Man♪♪ ♪But then again, as the saying goes, love is blind♪♪ ♪But wait a minute, dudes, we mean amigas, folks and blokes♪♪ ♪Credit where credit’s due♪♪ ♪The true smart cookies are the American people♪♪ ♪They were the ones that elected the Mad Man in the first place♪♪ ♪Correct, Bob Chupacabras Candelario?♪♪ ♪Candelario said in November 2020, If You Vote for the Liberal Socialistas♪♪ ♪You're giving your vote to the Devil♪♪ ♪So vote for jesus (vote for the Mad Man)♪♪ ♪And the American church said,  Hallelujah & Darn!♪♪♪

♪Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...♪ ♪♪Surely there’s a God above♪♪ ♪The God of the Bible♪♪ ♪Thanks to the One and Only God (he is not the god of christianity)♪♪ ♪What’s up Rep. Mo Jr.?♪♪ ♪You just sound like Bob Nicolaíta Candelario down there in Orlando!♪♪ ♪Why do you call the Capitol rioters fools, Mo?♪♪ ♪Is it because they failed to take over by force the U.S. Government on January 6th, 2021?♪♪ ♪And ye the American people do not rest their case yet!!!♪♪ ♪Today/Hoy Domingo ‘una cita con mammon’♪♪ ♪Where?♪♪ ♪At Bob Nicolaíta Candelario’s cave of thieves in Orlando, Florida, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪♪Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...♪♪♪


♪♪♪LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE WORD♪♪♪ ♪*My kingdom is not of this world♪♪ ♪*Mi reino no es de este mundo♪♪ ♪*For such are false apostle♪♪ ♪*Porque éstos son falsos apóstoles♪♪ ♪*Deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ♪♪ ♪*Obreos fraudulentos, que se disfrazan como apóstoles de Cristo♪♪ ♪*And no marvel; for Sa’tan himself is transformed into a angel of light♪♪ ♪*Y no es maravilla, porque el mismo Satanás se disfraza como angel de luz♪♪ ♪*Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness♪♪ ♪*Asi que, no es extraño si también sus ministros se disfrazan como ministros de justicia♪♪ ♪*Whose end shall be according to their works♪♪ ♪*Cuyo fin sera conforme a sus obras♪♪♪

AÚN MÁS/EVEN MORE SO: ♪♪♪LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE WORD♪♪♪ ♪*These are wells without water♪♪ ♪*Estos son Fuentes sin agua♪♪ ♪*Clouds that are carried with a tempest♪♪ ♪*Y nubes empujadas por la tormenta♪♪ ♪*To whom the mist of darkness is reversed forever♪♪ ♪*Para los cuales la más densa oscuridad está reservada para siempre♪♪ ♪*For they speak great swelling words of vanity♪♪ ♪*Pues hablando palabras infladas y vana♪♪ ♪*They allure through the lust of the flesh, through much wantonness♪♪ ♪*Seducen con concupiscensias de la carne y desoluciones♪♪ ♪*Those that were clean escaped from them who live in error♪♪ ♪*A los que verdaderamente habían huido de los que viven en error♪♪ ♪*While they promise them liberty♪♪ ♪*Les promenten libertad♪♪ ♪They themselves are servants of corruption♪♪ ♪*Y son ellos mismos esclavos de corrupción♪♪ ♪*For of whom a man is overcome♪♪ ♪*Porque el que es vencido♪♪ ♪*Of the same is he brought in bondage♪♪ ♪*Por alguno es hecho esclavo del que lo venció♪♪♪

​AÚN MÁS/EVEN MORE SO: ♪♪♪LET’S HEAR IT FOR THE WORD♪♪♪ ♪*If any man have ears to hear, let him hear♪♪ ♪*Si alguno tiene oídos para oír, oiga♪♪ ♪*(whoso readeth, let him understand)♪♪ ♪*(el que lee, entienda)♪♪ ♪*In the same hour came forth fingers of a man’s hand♪♪ ♪*En esa misma hora aparecieron los dedos de una mano de hombre♪♪ ♪*And wrote over against the candlestick upon the plaster of the wall of the king’s palace♪♪ ♪*Que escribía delante del candelero sobre lo encalado de la pared del palacio real♪♪ ♪*And the king saw the part of the hand that wrote♪♪ ♪*Y al rey veía la mano que escribía♪♪♪

​♪*Then was the part of the hand sent to him; and this writing was written♪♪ ♪*Entonces de su presencia fue enviada la mano que trazó esta escritura♪♪ ♪*And this is the writing that was written, ME’NE, ME’NE, TE’KEL, U-PHAR’SIN♪♪ ♪*Y la escritura que trazó es: MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPARSIN♪♪ ♪*This is the interpretation of the thing: ME’NE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it♪♪ ♪*Esta es la interpretación del asunto: MENE: Contó Dios tu reino, y le ha puesto fin♪♪ ♪*TE’KEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting♪♪ ♪*TEKEL: Pesado ha sido en la balanza, y fuiste hallado falto♪♪ ♪PE’RES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Per’sians♪♪ ♪*PERES: Tu reino ha sido roto, y dado a los medos y a los persas♪♪ ♪*In that night was Bel-shaz’zar the king of the Chal-de’ans slain♪♪ ♪*La misma noche fue muerto Belsasar rey de los caldeos♪♪ ♪*And Da-ri’us the Me’dian took the kingdom, being about threescore and two years old♪♪ ♪*Y Darío de Media tomó el reino, siendo de sesenta y dos años♪♪ ♪*Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried♪♪ ♪*Muchos serán limpios, y emblanquecidos y purificados♪♪ ♪*But the wicked shall do wickedly: and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand♪♪ ♪*Los impíos procederán impíamente, y ninguno de los impíos entenderá, pero los entendidos comprenderán♪♪ ♪*If any man have an ear, let him hear♪♪ ♪*Si alguno tiene oído, oiga♪♪♪/.

♪SATURDAY IN THE PARK♪♪ ♪I think it was the Fourth of July♪♪ ♪Shhsh… in 1799 the new Christian White Nation, god’s chosen nation, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪Saturday in some park♪♪ ♪White people singing a new song♪♪ ♪Black lives don’t matter, White lies matter♪♪ ♪White people dancing the tarantella♪♪ ♪A man selling fake Italian ice cream♪♪ ♪Singing Italian songs♪♪ ♪Eh cumpary, ci vo sunari♪♪ ♪Have a Campari, while we wait for the Godfather♪♪ ♪They held those…, that all men are created equal♪♪ ♪As long as you were a white male♪♪ ♪With lots of land and lots of mula♪♪ ♪All white lies, all New York-style Baloney♪♪ ♪You can dig it (yes, you can! Dig it in the History of the Big Apple)♪♪ ♪And you’ll find the Brutal British/American Global Financial System in Wall Street♪♪♪

♪♪♪ROCKET MAN♪♪♪ ♪Rocket Man don’t trust Uncle Sam♪♪ ♪Who can blame him for that♪♪ ♪Rocket Man knows that Uncle Sammy loves dictators♪♪ ♪Uncle loved Torrijos and Noriega♪♪ ♪Well, till Papa CIA Arbusto 41 came along♪♪ ♪Uncle loved Somoza & Duarte & Pinochet too♪♪ ♪The 40 Gipper confirmed, ‘trust, but verify’; What?♪♪ ♪‘I turn back to your prophets in the Old Testament’♪♪ ♪‘And the signs foretelling Armageddon’♪♪ ♪‘And I find myself wondering’♪♪ ‘If we are the generation that is going to see that come about’♪♪ ♪‘I don’t know if you have noted any of those prophesies lately’♪♪ ♪‘Believe me, they describe the times we are going through’♪♪ ♪President Ronald Reagan, speaking publicly in 1983♪♪ ♪Rocket Man has noticed many moons ago♪♪ ♪That ruling by fear and intimidation works in America too♪♪ ♪How ‘bout them apples?♪♪♪

♪♪♪THE TIME WHEN AMERICA TELLS THE WORLD ‘MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY’ IS OVER, FOLKS♪♪♪ ♪And now, the end is near♪♪ ♪And so we face the final curtain♪♪ ♪My amigos, I'll say it clear♪♪ ♪We'll state our case of which I'm certain♪♪ ♪We've lived a life that's full of greed♪♪ ♪We traveled each and every highway dropping bombs♪♪ ♪But more, much more than this♪♪ ♪We did it our darn way♪♪♪/.

THE FOLLOWING IS AN AUTHOR’S NOTE [QUOTING] of a Book which name I have no desire to call to mind: ‘Faith by itself has never caused evil. What causes evil is what people have faith in, how they interpret it and—most of all—a weakness within them that, all too often, makes their faith (against its very definition) waver unless it is shared by everyone around them.’

‘Consider Christianity’s beginnings: Few came to the manger, fewer still claimed to have witnessed the Resurrection; the faith spread nevertheless. How, a few centuries later, its sublime and bighearted message would be ignored and countless people would be terrorized in its name, is baffling. What’s happening in America today, the growing number of hate-filled, amped-up fanatics who claim they have a God-given right to define their nation and impose their fundamentalist vision on all its citizens and, ultimately, on the rest of the planet is no less baffling—or dangerous, all the more so when combined with their collective death wish regarding the supposedly approaching End of Days. The inquisitors only had torture chambers and burning stakes. Today’s leaders have rather more potent weaponry at their disposal.’

‘Religion is universal, and its central role in the lives of many as well as its wondrous effects hardly need advertising. It is part of what makes us human. But the combination of religion with human weakness—with the illnesses of insecurity, intolerance, ignorance, hatred of life, and megalomania—is frightening, and nowhere is that evidenced more than when religion seeps into politics. If history has taught us anything, it’s that mixing the two is a very bad idea. It’s something the Founding fathers understood very well. Somehow, too many of us don’t seem to be sharing their concerns.’ [This Author’s Note was written by the Author in 2009]/.

AND AGAIN: FROM THE ONLY HONEST PRESIDENT IN THE HISTORY OF AMERICA, BIG BABY BOY!!! “Trump Says System Is ‘Rigged’.” “Donald Trump says the whole economy is ‘rigged’.” “Trump: We have a rigged system” April 12, June 22, 2016; December 9, 2017; July 13, 2020 (If you Google these Headlines, you’ll find the complete articles in many newspapers) How am I doing so far, Señor Presidente, Don Donald Juan “Good Genes” Trump?

FROM THE SHE-WOLF’S MOUTH: ‘If people aren’t involved in helping godly men in getting elected, then we’re going to have a nation of secular laws. That’s not what our founding fathers intended and that certainly isn’t what God intended … We need to take back this country … And if we don’t get involved as Christians, then how could we possibly take it back? If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you’re not electing Christians then in essence you are going to legislate sin.’ And: ‘Florida is key with regard to a shift in the nation, and no doubt these elections in Florida are key as well. That is why there is such spiritual warfare … Father, once again, one again, we’ll rejoice with Your son and bring this nation into alignment with Your government, with Your Kingdom’s principles and authority.’ -- Katherine Harris, secretary of state of Florida, on why she chose not to allow a recount of the Florida vote, despite the numerous charges of election fraud and irregularity, and with Al Gore trailing George W. Bush by only several hundred votes in the contest for Florida’s electoral votes, thereby handing Bush the 2000 election/.

‘GOG and Magog are at work in the Middle East … The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled … This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use this conflict to erase his people’s enemies before the a New Age begins.’ – President George W. Bush, in a phone call to French President Jacques Chirac in the early 2003 to convince him that Iraq had to be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse/.

‘PUT on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.’ ‘If is God’s will that by doing good you should silence the ignorant talk of foolish men.’ – Biblical quotes on the march 31, 2003 and April 7, 2003 covers of the Worldwide Intelligence Update, the daily briefing document sent to President George W. Bush by the Pentagon under Donald Rumsfeld. Such quotes were featured routinely on the covers of the documents during the early years of the Iraq war/.

​‘I RECALL THE ELECTION IN 2004. Hollywood was against us. The media were against us. The universities were against us. And despite them all the church of Jesus Christ put George W. Bush back in the White House. We’re on the winning side. We are going to win because we have the truth. We have the inerrant word of God.’ – Jerry Falwell/.

‘YES, I think I will see Jesus come back to earth in my lifetime.’ – Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, when asked if she believed in the Rapturist theology of Ends of Day/.

‘WE HAVE TO BE VIGILANT, on the watch, because this present Administration [Biden-Harris Administration] wants to get rid of Christ. We as the Church cannot tolerate that our Nation succumb to such a threat.’ -- Apostle-bishop Roberto Candelario in a sermon at “Centro Internacional de la Familia” in Orlando, Florida, United States of America, March 2021/. Where are you now, Candelario? Hiding in plain sight behind your own words? Or you’re hiding from the I.R.S.? One last question, pastor Roberto Candelario: If someone asked you for the whereabouts of Irene and Carlos, what would be your answer? What? Could you repeat that again: No sé. ¿Soy yo acaso guarda de mi hermana y mi hermano?/I know not. Am I my sister and brother’s keeper? (*Si alguno tiene oído, oiga/If any man have an ear, let him hear)

​(*No todo el que me dice me dice: Señor, Señor, entrará en el reino de los cielos, sino el que hace la voluntad de mi Padre que está los cielos/Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven/Muchos me dirán en aquel día: Señor, Señor, ¿no profetizamos en tu nombre, y en tu nombre echamos fuera demonios, y en tu nombre hicimos muchos Milagros/Many will say to me that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?/Y entonces les declararé: Nunca os conocí; apartaos de mí, hacedores the maldad/And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity*)

CHRISTIANITY BRAND NEW LYRICS! A CANTATA THAT MAY BE WORTH OUR ATTENTION: AND I APPROVE THIS CANTATA: {Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump} POTUS POPUS TRUMPTUS I OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH: ♪♪♪AMAZING DISGRACE♪♪♪ ♪Amazing Disgrace♪♪ ♪How Bitter the Sound♪♪ ♪That Enslaved a Wretch Like Us♪♪♪ ♪We Once Were Lost♪♪ ♪And Now We Aren’t Found♪♪♪ ♪Were Blind♪♪ ♪But Now We’re Deaf♪♪♪/. And the American Church of Vandals says: Darn!!!


(4/4/2021) SUNDAY: [WE’RE BORROWING FROM señor Mosca THE FOLLOWING INTRODUCTION: We at Christianity vs. God, the book, do not own a “Spiritual Bully Pulpit” in which to give a Homily. And what is a “homily” anyway? A “Homily is a cascade of words coming out of the mouth of a “charlatan” with the purpose of keeping the “Spell” over a “Captive Audience” for as long as possible, and this occurs in a setting such as a Cathedral, Church, Mosque and the like. We deliver our “observations & declarations” (Isaiah/Isaías 21:6) in several different ways, all of them harmless, if I may say so. One of them is via “Cantatas & Symphonies” for we are very musically oriented.]

♪SATURDAY IN THE PARK♪♪ ♪I think it was the Fourth of July♪♪ ♪Shhsh… in 1898 the new Christian White Nation, god’s chosen nation, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪Saturday in some town♪♪ ♪White people singing a new song♪♪ ♪Black lives don’t matter, White lies matter♪♪ ♪Wilmington insurrection of 1898,♪♪ ♪Wilmington massacre of 1898♪♪ ♪I think it was a successful coup♪♪ ♪The fake whiting in brodetto were envious of the Negro♪♪ ♪Lynching was on the menu of the white folks in town♪♪ ♪Negro red blood filled the streets♪♪ ♪None were cold blue bloods♪♪ ♪And it is no marvel that after the massacre♪♪ ♪The red shirts were found the following Sunday in church♪♪ ♪The cold blooded president No. 25 in 1898♪♪ ♪Couldn’t give a fish how many Negroes♪♪ ♪Including Black women and children were assassinated on the streets of Wilmington♪♪ ♪But the proverb proved to be true♪♪ ♪The big whiting in brodetto didn’t drown in the broth of his own cauldron at La Casa Pálida♪♪ ♪No sire, as the proverb goes♪♪ ♪Live by the sword, die by the sword♪♪ ♪But behold, No. 25 wasn’t kill by a Negro♪♪ ♪He was killed by a white boy with the name of Leon Frank Czolgosz♪♪♪

♪SATURDAY IN THE PARK♪♪ ♪I think it was the Fourth of July♪♪ ♪Shhsh… in 1800’s the new Christian White Nation, god’s chosen nation, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪Saturday in some town♪♪ ♪White people singing a new song♪♪ ♪Black lives don’t matter, White lies matter♪♪ ♪And any day of the 1800’s for that matter♪♪ ♪Nonetheless that the Constitution implies, or so it seems♪♪ ♪…one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all♪♪ ♪Even the supremely corrupt Supreme Court♪♪ ♪Ruled against Dred Sam Scott without showing any mercy on his plight for freedom♪♪ ♪The same hatred sentiment against the Negro spilled over a street in America♪♪ ♪On Monday, May 25, 2020, Mr. Floyd was lynched♪♪ ♪Assassinated in the streets of Minneapolis by none other than the police♪♪ ♪While pleading for his life 27 times: I can’t breathe!♪♪ ♪His last words were: Mama, they are killing me!♪♪ ♪Before his last words Mr. Floyd gasped for air in agony for 9 minutes and 29 seconds♪♪ ♪Mr. George Perry Floyd Jr. was truly tortured to death♪♪ ♪One citizen dared to call ‘the police on the police’♪♪ ♪Sadly a waste of time it might be added♪♪ ♪The following Sunday the KAGA [Keep America Great Again] crowd were found in church too♪♪ ♪And justice for all, my foot♪♪ ♪Says abogado Arthur Kirkland♪♪ ♪You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole nation is out of order! They're out of order!♪♪♪

♪♪♪ROCKET MAN♪♪♪ ♪Rocket Man don’t trust Uncle Sam♪♪ ♪Who can blame him for that♪♪ ♪‘Cause Truman was the first true Rocket Man♪♪ ♪The very first Rocket Man to launch two great Pepinos Atómicos♪♪ ♪When there was no need, [hands up, don’t shoot] they already had surrendered♪♪ ♪A macho man without Capote from the Bible Belt♪♪ ♪The two grand Atomic Pepinos fell on the head♪♪ ♪Of 250,000 civilians, women, children and men♪♪ ♪In two different cities of the Far East [daño collateralis]♪♪ ♪This Presbyterian Rocket Man lacked not just Capote but Shame♪♪ ♪Harry S. Truman killed 250,000 persons ‘In Cold Blood’♪♪♪

♪♪♪ROCKET MAN♪♪♪ ♪Rocket Man don’t trust Uncle Sam♪♪ ♪Who can blame him for that♪♪ ♪Amazing the World doesn’t trust uncle $am neither♪♪ ♪Amazing that it took 245 long years♪♪ ♪Amazing also is that three individuals of the same faith♪♪ ♪Were inducted into the annals of history on their own merits♪♪ ♪Kim Il-sung, Harry S. Truman, Fred McFeely Rogers♪♪ ♪Three men one faith, Presbyterian♪♪ ♪The three men were followers of an assassin♪♪ ♪Inducted also into the annals of history on his own merit with the name of John Calvin♪♪ ♪Two were Americanos the other Korean♪♪ ♪Their brainos were well established in christianity♪♪ ♪One was the powerful leader of the free world♪♪ ♪The other was the dear leader of the Koreans♪♪ ♪Yet the other was the leader of the neighborhood♪♪ ♪Though he never told the neighborhood he was a priest♪♪ ♪A Presbyterian minister at that, one and the same♪♪ ♪Not even hunky Hanks told Hollywood, you know, professor Robert Langdon♪♪ ♪The great cultural legacy of Christendom all over the world♪♪ ♪The curiously strange and contradictory case of Christianity♪♪ ♪Has been solved many moons ago♪♪ ♪Such, Christianity that is, has nothing to do with the God of the Bible♪♪ ♪But behold, Let’s Hear It for the Word♪♪ ♪*For nothing is secret, that shall not be manifest♪♪ ♪*Porque nada hay oculto, que no haya de ser manifestado♪♪ ♪*Neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad♪♪ ♪*Ni Escondido, que no haya de ser conocido, y de salir a la luz♪♪♪

♪How ‘bout them apples & hostias?♪♪ ♪How am I doing so far, honorable ministers and reverends, Roberto Candelario, Louis Farrakhan, Joel López and Artur Pawlowski?♪♪ ♪Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah...♪♪ ♪And the American church said, Hallelujah & Darn!♪♪ ♪[Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]♪♪♪

CHRISTIANITY BRAND NEW LYRICS! A CANTATA THAT MAY BE WORTH OUR ATTENTION: AND I APPROVE THIS CANTATA: {Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump} POTUS POPUS TRUMPTUS I OF THE AMERICAN CHURCH: ♪♪♪AMAZING DISGRACE♪♪♪ ♪Amazing Disgrace♪♪ ♪How Bitter the Sound♪♪ ♪That Enslaved a Wretch Like Us♪♪♪ ♪We Once Were Lost♪♪ ♪And Now We Aren’t Found♪♪♪ ♪Were Blind♪♪ ♪But Now We’re Deaf♪♪♪/. And the American Church of Vandals says: Darn!!!

♪♪♪ROCKET MAN♪♪♪ ♪Rocket Man don’t trust Uncle Sam♪♪ ♪Who can blame him for that♪♪ ♪And we think it ain’t gonna be a long long time♪♪ ♪When in the Middle East uncle $am is told, go home♪♪ ♪‘Go Home Johnny’, ‘cause, ‘The End Is Nigh’♪♪ ♪La Carne de Cañon dice: ‘I Want to Go Home’♪♪ ♪And then again the Cannon Fodder says ‘I Want to Go Home’ too♪♪ ♪Abuela dice: I told you so many moons ago♪♪ ♪Don’t worry kiddo, Suum cuique, Que será, será♪♪ ♪Unicuique suum, Whatever will be, will be♪♪ ♪Can’t be worse than it has been, Que será, será, What will be will be♪♪ ♪Don’t worry kiddo, HE IS with you and me♪♪ ♪HE Knows better than you and me, be joyful♪♪ ♪Learn this and rejoice: HE KNOWS definitely way more than ‘they’♪♪♪


♪SATURDAY IN THE PARK♪♪ ♪I think it was the Fourth of July♪♪ ♪Hang on, hang on for a minute♪♪ ♪We’ve got something to say♪♪ ♪In 2020-21 the old dying Christian White Nation, god’s chosen nation, the Yunaites♪♪ ♪Sunday in some park♪♪ ♪Many people singing a new song♪♪ ♪Black Lives Matter♪♪ ♪Chinese and Brown Lives Matter too♪♪ ♪White Evangelical Trump’s Base lies don’t hold any water♪♪ ♪*And hewed them out cisterns♪♪ ♪*Y cavaron para sí cisternas♪♪ ♪*Broken cisterns, that hold no water♪♪ ♪*Cisternas rotas que no retienen agua♪♪ ♪Women are not a minority♪♪ ♪They’re the majority and can balance the power♪♪ ♪Equal pay for equal work♪♪ ♪Viva Las Women, mothers, daughters, sisters!♪♪ ♪Viva Las Mujeres, madres, hijas, hermanas!♪♪ ♪Vivan todas here and everywhere♪♪ ♪♪We’ve got something to say to all♪♪ ♪There is no exception of persons, hear it?♪♪ ♪*Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons♪♪ ♪*En verdad comprendo que Dios no hace acepción de personas♪♪♪

♪THE PAST IS CATCHING UP WITH THE PRESENT♪♪ ♪Still America can’t fully breathe♪♪ ♪In more than one way gasps for air♪♪ ♪Libertie’s Greenidge♪♪ ♪She brings the past of July 1863 in New York City♪♪ ♪I had never seen smoke mix with fog like that before, how it hovered like a curtain between this world and maybe the next. ...♪♪ ♪I heard the tiniest drop of a wave, the sound a fish makes when it turns over on the surface of the water and falls back to its home. ... I saw, finally, ... something nosing its way through the clouds♪♪ ♪It was a long boat, with four rowers ... followed by two more. ... Between the rowers, on the boats, were tens of children. What was most eerie about it all was that the only sound was the water slapping the oars. Even the babies were silent♪♪♪

♪♪♪YOU’RE GOING DOWN♪♪♪ ♪You’re … going … down♪♪ ♪You’re going♪♪ ♪ You’re … going … down♪♪ ♪You’re going down♪♪ ♪You’re going down♪♪ ♪We want the world to know♪♪ ♪Got to let them know♪♪ ♪You’re going out♪♪ ♪We want the world to know♪♪ ♪Got to let all know♪♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Repucrats♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Professional Politicians♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Royalty♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Courtiers♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, Clergy♪♪ ♪You’re going down and out, American Theocracy♪♪ ♪Welcome true Freedom of Religion♪♪ ♪Freedom of Religion with Freedom from Religion♪♪ ♪Hey, hey-hey♪♪ ♪Hey, what’s happenin’?♪♪ ♪Hey, Brother, what’s happenin’?♪♪ ♪The Triumvirātus gets Maximum Pressure, Sister♪♪ ♪Leveling the equal pay for equal work and the Tax field not just for some, but for everyone♪♪ ♪Hey Dude, just in case you haven’t noticed♪♪ ♪We’ve only just begun♪♪ ♪No more white lies, no more empty promises♪♪ ♪The container is full and the buck stops here♪♪ ♪’Cause we’ve only just begun♪♪♪

♪INDEED WHITE WICKED CANUTOS♪♪ ♪We’ve only just begun♪♪ ♪Most of us ain’t good♪♪ ♪And the rest are wicked♪♪ ♪Are you hearing well, McConnell?♪♪ ♪My advice to corporate CEO’s of America♪♪ ♪Is stay out of politics♪♪ ♪Don’t pick sides in these big fights♪♪ ♪[Stay where you’ve always been, in the dark♪♪ ♪But, give us the moolah, you know CEO’s, sugar daddies of politicians♪♪ ♪Dark sugar, dark money, and the rest leave up to us♪♪ ♪Yours always, Wicked Mitch]♪♪ ♪Candy men, hey, candy men♪♪ ♪Alright everybody in politics, anything you want♪♪ ♪Oh, the Candy Man can (the CEO Man can)♪♪ ♪You all know, wicked politicians, Dark Money, Dark Donkey, Dark Elephant, Dark ‘suga’ daddies!♪♪ ♪‘Cause we’ve only just begun♪♪♪

♪♪♪‘CAUSE WE’VE ONLY JUST BEGUN♪♪♪ ♪Jim Crow laws are back♪♪ ♪Is a Crime to hand a bottle of water♪♪ ♪A Crime to hand a ‘bocadillo’ or slice of pizza♪♪ ♪To anyone at a voting line waiting under the hot sun to vote♪♪ ♪*And there is no new thing under the sun♪ ♪*Y nada hay Nuevo debajo del sol♪♪ ♪*But the wicked shall do wickedly♪♪ ♪Los ímpíos procederán impíamente♪♪ ♪Grandma used to say: ¡Cría cuervos, y te sacarán los ojos!♪♪ ♪And the white evangelical folks say darn: ¡Ay, abuelo, sembraste alazor y naciónos anapelo!♪♪ ♪And the Crowvirus spreading by leaps and bounds even now♪♪ ♪From sea to shining sea♪♪ ♪Through and above the fruited plain♪♪ ♪Remember the shortened life of Vincent Jen Chin?♪♪ ♪Don’t forget, ye the people, the white lies, they’ll keep on lying♪♪♪

♪♪♪LIBRE♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪Tiene casi 246 años♪♪ ♪Y ya esta cansada de soñar♪♪ ♪Pero tras la frontera está su hogar♪♪ ♪Su mundo y su ciudad♪♪ ♪En Restitución está♪♪ ♪They lied to him, they lied to her♪♪ ♪Both sides of the aisle lied to them♪♪ ♪Beyond the frontier is their world♪♪ ♪Is found their town♪♪ ♪Restitution is their town♪♪ ♪Piensan que la alambrada sólo es♪♪ ♪Un trozo de metal♪♪ ♪Algo que nunca podrá detener♪♪ ♪Sus ansias de volar♪♪♪

♪Free♪♪ ♪Como el sol cuando amanece♪♪ ♪Yo soy libre, como el mar♪♪ ♪Libre♪♪ ♪Como el ave que escapó♪♪ ♪De su prisión♪♪ ♪Y puede al fin volar♪♪ ♪Free♪♪ ♪Como el viento que recoge♪♪ ♪Mi lamento y mi pesar♪♪ ♪Camino sin cesar♪♪ ♪Detrás de la Verdad♪♪ ♪Y sabré lo que es al fin♪♪ ♪La Libertad♪♪♪

♪They lied to him♪♪ ♪Both sides of the aisle in Capitol Hill♪♪ ♪They did her, they did him♪♪ ♪Con su amor por bandera♪♪ ♪Se marchó como carne de cañon♪♪ ♪Cantando una canción♪♪ ♪Marchaba tan feliz que no escuchó♪♪ ♪La voz que le llamó♪♪ ♪You’re just cannon fodder♪♪ ♪Y tendido en suelo se quedó♪♪ ♪Sonriendo y sin hablar♪♪ ♪Pensando, what a fool I am♪♪ ♪Sobre su pecho flores carmesí♪♪ ♪Brotaban sin cesar♪♪♪

♪I want to be free before I die, I pray♪♪ ♪We need to know the Truth that is not of this world, I pray♪♪ ♪Would we get an answer that is not of this world as well?♪♪ ♪The Heavenly Answer that is not of this World♪♪ ♪*But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength♪♪ ♪*Pero los que esperan a Jehová tendrán nuevas fuerzas♪♪ ♪*They shall mount up with wings as eagles♪♪ ♪Levantarán alas como las águilas♪♪ ♪*They shall run, and not be weary♪♪ ♪*Correrán, y no se cansarán♪♪ ♪And they shall walk, and not faint♪♪ ♪*Caminarán, y no se fatigarán♪♪ ♪*But the wise shall understand♪♪ ♪*Pero los entendidos comprenderán♪♪ ♪Je’sus answered, My kingdom is not of this world♪♪ ♪Respondió Jesus: Mi reino no es de este mundo♪♪ ♪*And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru’salem♪♪ ♪*Y yo Juan vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén♪♪ ♪*Coming down from God out of heaven♪♪ ♪*Descender del cielo, de Dios♪♪ ♪*Prepared as a bride adorned for her husband♪♪ ♪*Dispuesta como una esposa ataviada para su marido♪♪ ♪*And God shall wipe away all tears from their♪♪♪


(4/11/2021) SUNDAY: [WE’RE BORROWING FROM señor Mosca THE FOLLOWING INTRODUCTION: We at Christianity vs. God, the book, do not own a “Spiritual Bully Pulpit” in which to give a Homily. And what is a “homily” anyway? A “Homily is a cascade of words coming out of the mouth of a “charlatan” with the purpose of keeping the “Spell” over a “Captive Audience” for as long as possible, and this occurs in a setting such as a Cathedral, Church, Mosque and the like. We deliver our “observations & declarations” (Isaiah/Isaías 21:6) in several different ways, all of them harmless, if I may say so. One of them is via “Cantatas & Symphonies” for we are very musically oriented.]

♪♪♪IT’S SO EASY♪♪♪ then ♪♪♪HAPPY TOGETHER♪♪♪ so ♪♪♪CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE♪♪♪ ♪It's so easy to fall in love♪♪ ♪With a great beast♪♪ ♪It's so easy to fall in love♪♪ ♪If you’re a racist♪♪ ♪It seems so easy♪♪ ♪In the American Theocracy♪♪ ♪Yeah, so doggone easy♪♪ ♪If you’re Trump’s White Evangelical Base♪♪ ♪I’m your wonder man folks, a macho man♪♪ ♪Imperator D. Juan Thumb Trump♪♪ ♪Your Good Genes Mad Man too♪♪ ♪Just like Adolphus♪♪ ♪You know folks, the dear Führer♪♪ ♪The very same one, canutos♪♪ ♪Adolf Good Genes Hitler♪♪♪

 ♪♪♪HAPPY TOGETHER♪♪♪ ♪Imagine me and you ruling Amerika now, I do♪♪ ♪I think about you day and night♪♪ ♪It’s only right, far right♪♪ ♪To think about the Base I love♪♪ ♪You blew it, canutos, on Three Kings Day!♪♪ ♪I could’ve held you tight inside the Capitol♪♪ ♪So happy together♪♪ ♪If I should call you up, invest a dime♪♪ ♪Mejor aún, folks, can you spare a buck♪♪ ♪And you said you belong to me, prove it now!♪♪ ♪Imagine how the world could be♪♪ ♪So very fine, me out of Mar-a-Pantano♪♪ ♪So happy together♪♪ ♪(Help!), I need somebody♪♪ ♪I can’t breathe!♪♪ ♪Media quit mentioning my name day and night♪♪ ♪They’re planning to ignore me 24/7♪♪ ♪(Help!) you know I need someone, Help!♪♪♪

♪Drastic times call for drastic measures♪♪ ♪Any Rambo would do, any Rocky will be fine♪♪ ♪You know how it is, folks♪♪ ♪Things are the way they are♪♪  ♪Never, Ever Give Up♪♪ ♪Stand back and stand by, I Shall Return♪♪ ♪Have you, my dear Base, forgotten so soon who I am?♪♪ ♪Imperator D. Juan Good Genes Thumb Trump♪♪ ♪So happy together♪♪ ♪How is the weather?♪♪ ♪Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, for all our life♪♪ ♪How is the weather?♪♪ ♪Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Ken Donald♪♪ ♪How is the weather?♪♪ ♪Pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, pa, Barbie Malanía♪♪ ♪How is the weather?♪♪ ♪The skies will be blue for all our life♪♪ ♪In Mar-a-Lake♪♪♪

♪♪♪CAN’T HELP FALLING IN LOVE♪♪♪ ♪Wise men say♪♪ ♪Only fools rush in♪♪ ♪But you couldn’t wait falling in love with me♪♪ ♪Is The Art of My Deal♪♪ ♪Looking for fools like you♪♪ ♪But that was easy in Amerika to do♪♪ ♪Shall you stay with me, white evangelicals♪♪ ♪You better stay with me, canutos, or I’ll take you down with me♪♪ ♪Down and out with Imperator D. Juan Good Genes Thumb Trump♪♪♪ ♪Like my river flows♪♪ ♪Surely to the swamp♪♪ ♪Dear Base, so it goes♪♪ ♪Some things are meant to be♪♪ ♪Like now, my river flows with your moolah back to Mar-a-Swamp♪♪♪

♪Some wise men say how low Amerika went down♪♪ ♪By electing me when they all knew me♪♪ ♪But they couldn’t help themselves falling in love with a bestia♪♪ ♪With a fantástica y espantosa golden beast♪♪ ♪Take my peluda and eerie claw♪♪ ♪And I’ll take your whole life too, evangelicals♪♪ ♪For I can't help falling in love with me♪♪ ♪And I’m going to say it again♪♪ ♪For I can't help falling in love with myself♪♪ ♪And I’m going to say it again, America♪♪ ♪You’ll Never, Ever Learn, it’s in your white supremacist genes♪♪♪

♪♪♪THE FALSE BRIDE♪♪♪ and the ♪♪♪WHITE DRESS♪♪♪ ♪I once loved a lass being a ladd in my faith♪♪ ♪I shun others who spoke of her ill♪♪ ♪And then she's rewarded me well for my love♪♪ ♪For she's gone and she's wed another♪♪ ♪And I said to myself, but why?♪♪ ♪Then I read it (*en el libro de la verdad)♪♪ ♪She’s the false bride♪♪ ♪She married mammon, she married the world♪♪ ♪For she was from the start the false bride♪♪ ♪And she’ll be the false bride till the end♪♪♪

♪What’s going on American church?♪♪ ♪Where have you been all these years?♪♪ ♪Where are you now, hiding in plain sight?♪♪ ♪You are surely the false bride♪♪ ♪What happened to Second Lieutenant Caron Nazario, are you aware?♪♪ ♪Same old thing, silence and prayer?♪♪ ♪Where’s young Daunte Wright, church of America?♪♪ ♪Same place as Breonna Taylor, in the morgue?♪♪ ♪No sé! ¿Soy yo acaso guarda de mi hermana y mi hermano?/I know not. Am I my sister and brother’s keeper?♪♪ ♪(*Si alguno tiene oído, oiga/If any man have an ear, let him hear)♪♪ ♪All Lives Matter, White Lives First [like in ‘kaga’, Keep America Great Again]♪♪ ♪Shouted out the soon to be the 13th apostle of Amerika in Orlando moons ago♪♪ ♪[The other twelve apostles are found in Utah]♪♪ ♪My, oh, my, ¡Éramos pocos, y parió la abuela!♪♪ ♪And the American Church of Vandals says: Darn!!!♪♪♪

♪♪♪LA NOVIA♪♪♪ ♪Blanca y radiante va la novia falsa♪♪ ♪Le sigue atrás el Angel of Light su novio amante♪♪ ♪Engañando a sus seguidores♪♪ ♪Cantando Ave María la blanca♪♪ ♪Shouting Ave el Rubio de Galilea♪♪ ♪Ante el altar llorando lágrimas de cocolidro está♪♪♪

♪Blanca y radiante va la iglesia♪♪ ♪Le sigue atrás Mammon su novio amante♪♪ ♪Deceiving her followers♪♪ ♪Shouting Ave Pinochet♪♪ ♪Singing Ave the CIA♪♪ ♪Before the altar shedding rivers of crocodile tears she is found♪♪♪

♪♪♪THE BRIDE♪♪♪ ♪White and radiant goes the false bride♪♪ ♪Following her loving bridegroom, the Angel of Light♪♪ ♪Ave white Maria♪♪ ♪As she keeps on singing Ave Mammon and shouting Ave World♪♪ ♪Before the altar, shedding rivers of crocodile tears she is found♪♪ ♪Ave Candelario, Ave Trump, Ave Jeffress♪♪ ♪Ave Kavanaugh, Ave Thomas, Ave Barrett♪♪ ♪♪Ave Roberts♪ ♪Ave American Church, Ave Repucrats, Ave Fulana Vaticana♪♪ ♪Ave Bucatini Puttanesca, Ave Enchilada Christiana♪♪ ♪Ave for your Reward is Nigh♪♪ ♪Ave Cancel Culture♪♪ ♪Not a minute too soon, not a minute too nigh♪♪ ♪Ye the American People esperando está for your reward♪♪♪(*Come out of her, my people)♪♪ ♪(*Salid de ella, pueblo mío)♪♪ ♪And the American Church of Vandals says: Darn!♪♪ ♪[Always Spanglish, mind you Triumvirātus?]♪♪♪

♪♪♪WHITE DRESS♪♪♪ ♪Feel how the wind blows♪♪ ♪December despair♪♪ ♪Another holyday season over our heads♪♪ ♪Bring a white ribbon♪♪ ♪To tie up my hair♪♪ ♪I’ll be your bride♪♪ ♪Go where You take me♪♪ ♪All my life on earth and beyond♪♪ ♪You’ll be my Bridegroom for evermore♪♪♪

♪He Is (*the rose of Shar’on, and the lily of the valleys)♪♪ ♪Él Es (*la rosa de Sarón, Y el lirio de los valles)♪♪ ♪His presence is in my valley♪♪ ♪(*Yo soy de mi amado, y mi amado es mío)♪♪ ♪(*El apacienta entre los lirios)♪♪ (*♪I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine)♪♪ ♪(*He feedeth among the lilies)♪♪ ♪I’ll put on a white dress♪♪♪

♪The Light is in His face♪♪ ♪Sky’s in His Eyes♪♪ ♪Beyond the Aurora♪♪ ♪The day’s in my arms♪♪ ♪For You’re always by my side♪♪ ♪Whenever I’m weary♪♪ ♪I’ll sing You a song♪♪ ♪Whenever I’m feeling lonely♪♪ ♪I’ll sense the comfort of Your Love♪♪♪

♪The false bride’s dress ain’t white♪♪ ♪It’s tainted with dark stains♪♪ ♪It went to the Middle East for oil♪♪ ♪It got the oil alright by the sword and by fire♪♪ ♪By the time it returned with their lamp♪♪ ♪They were told by the Bridegroom♪♪ ♪(*De cierto os digo, que no os conozco)♪♪ ♪(*Verily I say unto you, I know you not)♪♪ ♪These were the five foolish virgins♪♪ ♪The five wise virgins went into the marriage banquet♪♪ ♪Brought in by their beloved Bridegroom♪♪ ♪(*Y se cerró la puerta)♪♪ ♪(*And the door was shut*)♪♪ ♪He’ll be their Father and their God forevermore♪♪ ♪There can only be one true bride♪♪ ♪And the Church is not♪♪ ♪The Mosque is not♪♪ ♪The Whole of Christianity is not♪♪♪

♪(*Muchos correrán de aquí para allá, y la ciencia se aumentará)♪♪ ♪(*Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased)♪♪ (*♪Muchos serán limpios y emblanquecidos y purificados)♪♪ ♪(*Los impíos procederán impíamente, y ninguno de los impíos entenderá)♪♪ ♪(*Pero los entendidos comprenderán)♪♪ ♪(*Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried)♪♪ ♪(*But the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand)♪♪ ♪(*But the wise shall understand)♪♪♪

♪(*Cinco de ellas eran prudentes y cinco insensatas)♪♪ ♪(*And five of them were wise, and five were foolish)♪♪ ♪(*Después vinieron también las otras vírgenes)♪♪ (*♪Diciendo: ¡Señor, señor, ábrenos!♪♪ ♪(*Mas él, respondiendo, dijo: De cierto os digo, que no os conozco)♪♪ ♪(*Afterward came also the other virgins)♪♪ ♪(*Saying, Lord, Lord, open to us)♪♪ ♪(*But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not)♪♪♪

♪(*Salid de ella, pueblo mío)♪♪ ♪(*Come out of her, my people)♪♪ ♪(*And I John saw the holy city, new Je-ru’sa-lem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband)♪♪ ♪(*Y yo Juan vi la santa ciudad, la nueva Jerusalén, descender del cielo, de Dios, dispuesta como una esposa ataviada para su marido)♪♪♪

CHRISTIANITY BRAND NEW LYRICS: ♪♪♪AMAZING DISGRACE♪♪♪ ♪Amazing Disgrace♪♪ ♪How Bitter the Sound♪♪ ♪That Enslaved a Wretch Like Us♪♪♪ ♪We Once Were Lost♪♪ ♪And Now We Aren’t Found♪♪♪ ♪Were Blind♪♪ ♪But Now We’re Deaf♪♪♪/. And the Universal Church of Vandals says: Darn!!!

​IN AMERICA [the most Christian nation on the face of the earth according to them] THE IMPOSTORS AND PRETENDERS WITH FREQUENCY SHOUT OUT SANCTIMONIOUSLY: The Whole Truth and Nothing but the Truth so Help Us God! In God We Trust? The Constitution Was a White Man Made Document Full of Lies. And Ye the People, All the People, Rest Their Case!

​FROM THE MOUTH OF GOD AND THE BOOK OF TRUTH: (*Therefore the law is slacked, and judgment doth never go forth: for the wicked doth compass about the righteous; therefore wrong judgment proceedeth/ Por lo cual la ley es debilitada, y el juicio no sale según la verdad; por cuanto el impío asedia al justo, por eso sale torcida la justicia) (*For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed/Porque los gobernadores de este pueblo son engañadores, y sus gobernados se pierden/He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision. Then shall he speak unto them in his wrath, and vex them in his sore displeasure/El que mora en los cielos se reirá; El Señor se burlará de ellos. Luego hablará a ellos en su furor, Y los turbará con su ira)

​(*Therefore thus said the LORD, Behold, I will bring evil upon them, which they shall not be able to escape; and though they shall cry unto me, I will not hearken unto them/Por tanto, así ha dicho Jehová: He aquí yo traigo sobre ellos mal del que no podrán salir; y clamarán a mí, y no los oiré) (*Therefore pray not thou for this people, neither lift up a cry or prayer for them: for I will not hear them in the time that they cry unto me for their trouble/Tú, pues, no ores por este pueblo, ni levantes por ellos clamor ni oración; porque yo no oiré en el día que en su aflicción clamen a mí)

​(*Come il passero vaga, e la rondinella vola, Così la maledizione data senza cagione non avverrà. / Como el gorrión en su vagar, y como la golondrina and su vuelo, Así la maldición nunca vendrá sin causa. / Comme le moineau qui va çà et là, et l'hirondelle qui vole, ainsi la malediction sans cause n'arrivera point. / Wie ein Sperling davon flattert, wie eine Schwalbe wegfliegt, so ist unverdienter Flucher trifft nicht ein. / As the bird by wandering, as the swallow by flying, so the curse causeless shall not come)

​(*Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvelously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you/Mirad entre las naciones, y ved, y asombraos; porque haré una obra en vuestros días, que aun cuando se os contare, no la creeréis) [ALWAYS SPANGLISH, MIND YOU TRIUMVIRATUS?]

[POSTSCRIPTUM: I’m out of here! I’ll see ya next door, so to write, dear wise and sober readers of “Christianity vs. God” the Book, in the next chapter, CHAPTER #6 that is. All things considered and considering all things, it might not be necessary (if history to be made has already been made, meaning that America has ceased to be what it is known for) for us, me Batuta and Felix Altamonte, to come back and continue the writing of “Christianity vs. God” the book. Otherwise yes, we’ll be back. How soon some might ask? Soon enough but never too late, God willing. If we do come back, it’ll be under a segment that will be called: This Is Your Life, America! We leave you all with two items: A Question/Pregunta and Tarea/Homework. Are We There Yet? The Tarea/Homework has to do with a book that my host Felix Altamonte came across two weeks ago and just finished reading. It is a fiction book, with many historic patterns in it to say the least, and it was published the year of 2009 and written by one Mr. Khoury with the title “The Sign”. Disclaimer: The author, Mr. Khoury, of the book “The Sign”, does not endorse our book “Christianity vs. God” by Felix Altamonte, nor does the author of “Christianity vs. God”, Felix Altamonte, endorse the “The Sign”; both books are just out there for ye the people to read.] (To be continued)










“CHRISTIANITY vs. GOD”, the book, will continue as indicated previously. You’re always welcome 24/7 to read what’s next. Yours, Felix Altamonte.
